greedygreg209 said:
@lil cs,
some dude was on here talking bout how your shit ain that tight, and how hes heard crip shit that was tight, but yours wansnt......said u sounded like kurtis blow jr.......i think it was bigpluck.....
p.s. - i aint trying to get into others peoples business, or instigate shit...i just hate how threads and posts get fuckin deleted..some bullshit
Homey, I ain't trippin off these niggaz. Everybody has their own opinion, but it has to be hate (I hate usin' this word, but what else could it be) for someone to go out their way, and it must really bother a nigga to open a thread with my name just to say somethin' negative. Who gives a fuc? I don't trip on these "weirdos" homey, and that's what "I" think about niggaz who don't like my shit. And that's never gon' change. But whoever said it, I bet I've seen more success than anyone he knows, and I got a 560k house and a 300 on 22's to prove it! Whoever it was, I wish them success in life, cuz that's all I'm concerned about. He ain't and can't stop people from buyin' my shit, so who gives a fuc?
But on a side not, I didn't know Kurtis Blow rapped fast like I did on Sic Wit This, Lil C.S. Street History Lesson, P-I-M-P means Puttit In My Pocket etc. I never heard Kurtis Blow spit that style, so dude's comparison is way off anyway! It's like a sarcastic joke. Obviously he's never heard those songs (out of many), and I don't care if he ever listens to me again. Like the moral of this post, "who gives a fuc?". I know how bitter niggaz are, and how they act, shit I was around them for 9 yrs in the pen. And this is why I haven't been posting in awhile, cuz the internet and the streets is totally different, and it's too much shit that I don't give a fuc about anymore on here. And the people that do shit like this don't even realize that they're defeating their whole purpose! Because their purpose is to make the artist/person look bad that they're talkin' about, but in reality they're makin' theirself look bad, and they don't even know it. But I've wrote too much already, cuz shit like that really doesn't deserve my time or energy to respond to. I'm somewhere else... 4 real. Much love ya'll.