@nodollaz, homey I had at least 3 songs on Dollars & Sins that if edited could've been radio songs. I had 2 good party songs Faded & X-Rated, and Make It Crack. And when I had my hour interview on z90 when Dollars & Sins first came out, they played "my" P-I-M-P means Puttit In My Pocket, Make It Crack, and Faded & X-Rated. All of them had radio edits. I didn't get offended nodollaz, but all of my music just ain't gang bangin'. If you listen to P-I-M-P means Puttit In My Pocket you wouldn't know what gang affiliation I have. Same with "Thug Tears", and others. It's just that the radio is ALL payola. That's a fact. If you're not on a major, and you don't want to spend 10g's or more to get in rotation in Dago, the only thing they will give you for free (well, they gave me for free) was an hour long interview (when Ghetto Classics came out, and Dollars & Sins first came out. Both interviews will be on the In the Ghetto World dvd). But in reality homey, bein' in rotation in Dago only will only help you to a certain degree. Really know other station follows z90. If you're in rotation here, they're not going to pic you up in LA etc. I've seen artist get in rotation out here, on the top 7 at 7 countdown and all that, and the ones that did get rotation didn't get a deal, and as a matter of fact they didn't even sell as much as niggaz from Dago that weren't on the radio.
Now if we could get in rotation on an LA station, then the majors would start coming, but the majors have that sewed up already. I don't have the answer, but I know the answer ain't gettin' in rotation on z90. All I can say is everybody keep grindin', and puttin' out dope music, and the right person is going to hear about it, and give somebody a chance. My 4 cents.
C.S. Heat