Legalize all drugs....

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Jul 10, 2002
what do y'all think?

I think we need to! there are 2 solutions to the drug problem (and this is globally) legalize drugs or get rid of the addicts.

Obviously the latter will never happen.

Crime would go down (b/c prices would drop and the quality of the drugs would be much better) compare it to prohibition in the 20's where they said people were drinking shitty whiskey for superpremium prices...

A junkie no longer needs to hit the streets to find someone curb servin' instead they go to the pharmacy w/ a perscription from a doctor. This is an over the counter transaction and the money gets taxed to put into rehab programs and education rather than a failing penal system & war on drugs which has lead to pointless deaths & life sentences.

think how much better the product would be, compare some G-13 to your regular b.c. as an example...

it will never happen b/c the privatized prison system, C.I.A., D.E.A, A.T.F., Coast Guard, Papermill industries, pharmicudical co. & oil companies would all loose gov't subsidies, and they lobby too much to our congress men for there to be any financial incentive for whom this would affect....

However, drugs will be out there, they've always been out there, and they ain't goin' no where, we might as well quit lockin' fools up for medicine in their pockets. and if its legal the violence will drop as well.

quick triva how many people overdosed from perscription drugs last year >100,000
now, how about 'illicit street drugs' ~20,000+
things that make ya go HMMMMMMMM....

anyway, just b/c yay or hop would be legal don't mean I'd mess around w/ that stuff... point being, just b/c its legal don't mean any more people are gonna get on the iShhh than already are....

what's y'alls insight...
out of curiosity (and lets try to make this a thread w/o major disses b/c the drug problem is something that affects us all regardless of political or religious beliefs)
May 2, 2002
I see no point in the war on drugs. its wasted money. how much of our taxes are going into this "war"? Shit, if drugs were legal, the government would have enough money from the taxes along to provide all americans with decent perscription drug plans.

think how much money the SPEND on enforcing drug laws and think how much money they'd MAKE if they were legal. if someone's gonna do drugs, they're gonna do drugs. legalizing them wont turn the country into a bunch of stoned zombies.

if not anything, at least legalize weed. its been proven over and over to be 1000 x more safe than alcohol.

the war against drugs just doesnt make sense to me.
Jun 17, 2004
In 1993 M. Joycelyn Elders, the United States Surgeon General made a public speech and openly voiced her opinion and her plans to legalize ALL illegal substances. But Clinton immediantly got rid of her after this. If Clinton had kept her, there would be no illegal substances in the United States as she certainly had the power to make it happen. She proclaimed that making substances illegal only made more problems than if they were to be legal, much like the prohibition of alcohol only resulted in more crime and made it no less available to people.

...So basically the Surgeon General (health advisor of the entire U.S.) lost their position by voicing their opinion that all drugs should be legalized.
Dec 25, 2003
J-Funk, she actually didn't voice that opinion, believe it or not.

The fact that people believe she advocated legalizing drugs is proof of the "liberal media".

When asked about whether legalizing drugs would lower crime, she replied that "it was an issue that should be studied."

The part were people believe she said it is where Limbaugh et al come into play. She never said "I am in favor of legalizing drugs", or anything approximating that.

She was in favor of legalizing medical weed in states that passed the initiative, but she never actually advocated legalizing drugs...that was the conservative media talking for her.
May 16, 2002
This is my question:

If crack, meth, and coke become legal, will people still shoot, steal, rob, and kill for it?

If yes, then why legalize?
They won't do that any more than alcoholics do.

The reason why all drugs should be legal is because it would eliminate the whole trillion dollar crime filled industry that makes money on selling illegal drugs. Making drugs illegal only helps those who continue to sell it, just look at what happened when they banned alcohol.

Fun fact : It's more dangerous to inject Coca-Cola into your veins than it is to inject heroin.
Dec 25, 2003
Droopy Eye said:
They won't do that any more than alcoholics do.
Can you substantiate that? I guess it makes sense vis-a-vis drunk driving, but would you propose that alchoholics have a more negative effect on society than junkies? My uncle got killed by a crankster..and I have seen the damage firsthand of speed on white people. It's somewhat disconcerting to imagine that poison being sold legally by the government.

The reason why all drugs should be legal is because it would eliminate the whole trillion dollar crime filled industry that makes money on selling illegal drugs. Making drugs illegal only helps those who continue to sell it, just look at what happened when they banned alcohol.
But who would sell it? The government? Corporations? It's like saying "Instead of drug dealers shooting people in the head, Johnson & Johnson can shoot people in the head."

It would not eliminate any industry - drug sales would still exist. The only thing that would change would be the label of "illegal". I'm not sure if you don't understand what coke, crank, and crack do to people, or you simply want the term "illegal drug sales" to turn into "legal drug sales". If anything, to me that's like breakin someone's arm instead of stabbing them in the thigh. I still don't see the positive effect.

Fun fact : It's more dangerous to inject Coca-Cola into your veins than it is to inject heroin.
Heroin can be like harsher cigarettes. If someone took a small, continuous amount of heroin, they could live 5, 10, maybe 20 years. The problem is 1. people need more to get the same feeling, and 2. they take impure products.


Sicc OG
Mar 12, 2004
J-Funk said:
In 1993 M. Joycelyn Elders, the United States Surgeon General made a public speech and openly voiced her opinion and her plans to legalize ALL illegal substances. But Clinton immediantly got rid of her after this. If Clinton had kept her, there would be no illegal substances in the United States as she certainly had the power to make it happen.
i didnt know the an unimportant bottom level cabinate member could single handedly change the law of the land. that is of course if the United States Surgeon General is actually a cabinate member

J-Funk said:
...So basically the Surgeon General (health advisor of the entire U.S.) lost their position by voicing their opinion that all drugs should be legalized.
that is not why he got rid of her, he got rid of her because she spoke openly and publicly endorsed masterbation
Jun 17, 2004
J-Funk, she actually didn't voice that opinion, believe it or not.

The fact that people believe she advocated legalizing drugs is proof of the "liberal media".

When asked about whether legalizing drugs would lower crime, she replied that "it was an issue that should be studied."

The part were people believe she said it is where Limbaugh et al come into play. She never said "I am in favor of legalizing drugs", or anything approximating that.

She was in favor of legalizing medical weed in states that passed the initiative, but she never actually advocated legalizing drugs...that was the conservative media talking for her.
...i've seen it before, she goes into alot more depth than just a one line answer.
Jun 17, 2004
@Hatch: Being Surgeon General she had alot better chance to persuade people to legalize drugs, rather than a pothead standing with a sign that says 'legalize it'.
Sep 22, 2003
Droopy Eye said:
The reason why all drugs should be legal is because it would eliminate the whole trillion dollar crime filled industry that makes money on selling illegal drugs. Making drugs illegal only helps those who continue to sell it, just look at what happened when they banned alcohol.
Or at least institute a national sales tax to get some tax money off the pushers, growers, etc. who continue to rake in cash off the illegal drug trade, and average Joes continue to support the bulk of the tax burden.
May 8, 2002
J-Funk said:
@Hatch: Being Surgeon General she had alot better chance to persuade people to legalize drugs, rather than a pothead standing with a sign that says 'legalize it'.
than say that. i mean there is a big difference between what you just said and what you previously said

J-Funk said:
If Clinton had kept her, there would be no illegal substances in the United States as she certainly had the power to make it happen.