Yeah, it's a different production vibe than FEAR NO FATE, but that's to be expected...As much as I loved, say, Lunasicc, I was able to accept his Luni Coleone CDs (the first two) as dope in their own right, too, even if the vibe and style were different. The same holds true for Laroo, IMHO.
My favorites right now are "Let It Go", "Come Here Bitch", "Get Flipped", "Chill", "Get In", "Blunt Personality," "Tolerate" and "One." The only one I'm not feelin' so far is "Big World" and that's mainly because it's so short. But I'll probably have to listen to the CD more times and let things grow on me. As LAROO says, "One's man trash is another man's treasure", and that's true. PEACE!