Actually nitro Shag led his team to this win!! Its funny, cause u always play up Ko_Me but never really mention what Shag does, and how they would have lost if it wasnt for Shag, but its all good thats your fav player.. Also while Dallas does have the best record, no one is even giving them a shot to win it all, I mean folks are either sayin the Kings, Spurs, and Fakers are the only 3 teams that can win it all!! Dallas cant beat none of the good teams in the west! I mean Sac owned them and then Dallas lucked up in ot and won the 4th game, but damn if u look at the season series Sac demolished them.. So beatin Dallas aint gonna get u to the title, they will have to beat either Sac or San Antonio or both eventually!!! And that aint happening!!! GOT EM!!!