Lack of 9/11 discussion...Where are we in 2004?

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May 13, 2002
That 19 Muslim men who have apparently disappeared have been named as the hijackers is not in doubt.

What is in doubt is whether those 19 men were actually plotting anything, either individually or together.

The amazing possibility remains that others carried out the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, using the identities of the 19 Muslims who have been assigned guilt in the tragedy.

In an April 19 speech delivered to the Common wealth Club in San Francisco, Mueller said that the purported hijackers, in his words, “left no paper trial.” The FBI director stated flatly:

In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper—either here in the United States or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere—that mentioned any aspect of the Sept. 11 plot.

In describing Mueller’s evidence fiasco, Los Angeles Times reporters Erich Lichtblau and Josh Meyer, whose article was reprinted in The Washington Post on April 30, note that:

Law enforcement officials say that while they have been able to reconstruct the movements of the hijackers before the attacks—all legal except for a few speeding tickets—they have found no evidence of their actual plotting.

The Times reporters acknowledge that Mueller’s comments “offer the FBI’s most comprehensive and detailed assessment to date of its investigation, remarkable as much for what investigators have not found as for what they have.”

The FBI director explained away the absence of evidence by making the disingenuous assertion that the hijackers used “meticulous planning, extraordinary secrecy and extensive knowledge of how America works” to conceal their scheme.

Mueller made this claim despite the fact that in the immediate wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, a variety of U.S. officials and media sources speciously announced, almost instantaneously, that there was firm evidence not only that these 19 Muslim men were agents of Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda “network” but that they were indeed the individuals who hijacked the doomed flights on Sept. 11.

Mueller seems to forget that early government and media reports loudly hyped “discoveries”—letters and other documents—in the luggage and personal belongings of the presumed hijackers which “proved” that they were on a “mission for Allah,” etc etc.

Now Mueller’s comments seem to contradict everything that’s been said.

(note: this article is over a year old.)

So, do we have any more information now then we did the day of 9/11?

Lets discuss
May 13, 2002
April 2004

'I Saw Papers That Show US Knew al-Qa'ida Would Attack Cities With Airplanes'

How unlikely is something like this? I would hope very unlikely, but then again...

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities and blaming it on Cuba.

The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.

"We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

The Joint Chiefs at the time were headed by Eisenhower appointee Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who, with the signed plans in hand made a pitch to McNamara on March 13, 1962, recommending Operation Northwoods be run by the military.

President Kennedy, luckily, decided no on Operation Northwoods.

Read about it here from ABC news
Jul 10, 2002
Maybe I missed something... but if I'm not mistaken the hijackers crashed the planes into buildings kamakazi style, hence they died (plus I still don't see how no one has linked or made serious issues that 17 of the 19 hijackers were SAUDI-ARABIANS)

In my mind there is no doubt the US had knowledge of this event, or even helped conspired to orchestrate it. Many public officials from east coast to the west coast were tipped off or instructed to not to fly commercial airlines cross country or rearrange their travel plans.

Ask anybody in the armed force's if layman trained to fly little mini propeller planes (as the hijackers in Fla) would be able to execute a manuver w/ a 747 such as a 270 degree turn and land it into a target the size of a building (they'll tell you no chance in hell)

The time the attacks took place seem to have been calculated as well, due to the fact they struck in the early morning (when people are still arriving at work), hence casualties were minimized (if this happend 1 or two hours later the number would have been at least twice or thrice the casualties)

Are we still forgetting about the Pentagon, the most heavily protected & secured building in the country, maybe even the world. The Pentagon has an automatic missle defense system, as well as helipcopters which STRICTLY enforce a no fly zone for any air carrier. How coincidental is it, that unfortunately all the was tempoparily out of order? (plus not to get too Oliver Stone, but isn't it fascinating that the side of the Pentagon which was struck was under construction and a majority of the casualities were civilian trade workers (again the # of Pentagon official casualties were minimized)

Lastly, if you remember that morning (which I do vividly) what ever happened to that 4th plane? The news was broadcasting that 4 planes were hijacked in a very close time period of eachother, we heard about the 3 crashes reltively around the same time, however what was going on that it took an hour or so for the other plane????

I can go on & on, but I gotta get to work you get the idea..

F*** Bush, Ashcroft, Rummy, Chenny, Cuntdaliza, Powell I & II & them rest of 'em too


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I remember waking up and hearing about the planes....that's all we talked about during school for the next two days (i was a senior in HS)....i wish i knew then, what i know now....
Mar 18, 2003
Jomodo said:
Lastly, if you remember that morning (which I do vividly) what ever happened to that 4th plane? The news was broadcasting that 4 planes were hijacked in a very close time period of eachother, we heard about the 3 crashes reltively around the same time, however what was going on that it took an hour or so for the other plane????
Passengers of the plane attempted to take it over. Before they did so, they contacted people from phones on the plane, making it possible to identify the highjackers appearance. The plane was eventually crashed into an uninhabited area where casualties were made up of only those who boarded the plane. Names of passengers who fought these highjackers were revealed and those who they contacted told the story.

I think at the very most our Government knew of the plans and did nothing to prevent it, but I do not see anything that says they were involved in planning or carrying out the attack. If they were involved, why wouldn't they use Iraqi's to slam the planes and not Saudi's. It would have justified the war in the minds of many.
Jul 10, 2002

I know, it just seems bizarre about the other plane & how long it took to get us the info.

In terms of US previous knowledge or involvement, I can not make any absolute claims in regard to anything. I can just point out stuff (inconsistencies) I've seen along the way.

All I know, is that WE, as a race of humans have a total Lack of Respect for one another

p.s. speaking of Lac of Respect (pick up the LoR on the SLR page, it knoc's!)
May 11, 2002
From my understanding is that Michale Moore was or is going to make a documentary about tying Bush and the Bin Laden Family to 9/11. Then Disney pulled the plug. Im not sure why he is going throught Disney, being that he made a ton of money off Bowling for Colombine. Who knows?

I am still skeptical. I see where it could all be all pointing the finger at Bushy and his buddies. I just don't know what Bin Laden is getting out of this. I just find it hard to trust someone whos father is named after the CIA center. They could tell us whatever we want us to hear.

Americans think they can't be brainwashed like Hitler did to the Germans. They look at everyone else and think their in the fog but fail to see their in the fog themselves.
Mar 18, 2003
Those who follow Bush and support the spoils of this war -- if they are not brainwashed already, they are acting out of the supremacy of America. There are a lot of Americans who follow the leader blindly into chaos; but there are those who know what lies ahead, and out of their own selfish feelings of superiority to other nations and cultures, they follow into chaos knowing full well their hands will be drenched in blood. So it is not neccesarily a country full of sheep, but many cultural supremacists as well.
May 13, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
I think at the very most our Government knew of the plans and did nothing to prevent it, but I do not see anything that says they were involved in planning or carrying out the attack. If they were involved, why wouldn't they use Iraqi's to slam the planes and not Saudi's. It would have justified the war in the minds of many.
What do you mean? I think 9/11 was one of the main reasons for the Iraq war. Take away 9/11, and the mentallity of americans would be COMPLETELY different.

9/11, if they planned it or not, was like hitting the jackpot for Bu$hCo. They hit two birds with one stone. On second thought, scratch that. It's like hitting 100 birds with one stone (if you consider all of the shit they've been getting away with and all the shit that has passed (patriot act etc)).


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
off topic...

in another topic someone said that that guy who got beheaded might have been offed by the im not saying he was or he wasnt is it so hard for ppl to believe the US would kill off one of its own for its own advantages when it let thousands of ppl die on 9.11?

the way governments conduct bussiness is cuthroat, regardless of the ppl theyre putting down, if it means having americans die because of oil, then you better believe your ass those americans are going to die without hesitation from the ppl who pull the plugs.
May 13, 2002

Thats why I posted a little about "Operation Northwoods", which is a documented fact. This went all the way to the top and finally turned down by Kennedy. This at least tells us, that we know for a fact that for the very least, the government has thought about, and made plans, to kill it's own civillians and blame it on its "enemy."

In another case, we know for a fact that the Spaniards had nothing to do with the sinking of the U.S.S Maine, which america had blamed on them and as a direct result, the spanish/american war.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
let me ask you this 20sixx...why if theres so much facts and evidence...why do the majority of americans still refuse to believe that the government only has its own interests in mind, this is not a gov. for the ppl by the ppl, its a pecking order of the rich and shameless...why do ppl still believe that when the US goes across the globe to "liberate" another country, it is to help them instead of taking advantage and pulling the strings on some puppet they put as president...ive had it up to my fricking ear with ppl writing into newspapers and magazines talking about ...

"yeah im over here stationed in iraq and i dont understand why these ppl are against us, were here to help them"

"how ungrateful of the iraquis to be dragging americans in the streets and beheading them when we took out saddam for them"

lmao...are seriously this stupid?, and how much are we willing to bet that 80% of the soldiers over there couldnt tell the difference between a senator and a governor?, i was watching one of those mtv specials on the soldeirs in afghanistan and iraq and all these soldiers between the ages of 18 and 23 talking to reporter gideon yugo or whatever.

gideon "what exactly are you doing here?"

brainwashed soldeir" uhh were here to help these ppl, i dont know why they dont want our help"

i get antsy with the ignorance and gullibilty of these ppl, and to dismiss our beliefs they call our ideas conspiracy theories, lol.
May 13, 2002
I feel you 100%

I think people don't see the through the smoke screens for many reasons.

9/11 is a HUGE factor. The psychological impact this had is amazing. People are so fucking patriotic since 9/11 (its dropping a little now) it's unbelievable.

The media of course is the main problem. When people say there is no propaganda in america, I feel like slapping them. The T.V, or "The propaganda tube", is seriouly a fucking brain-washing device. It tells us what is cool, what isn't, what to wear, what kind of music is good and bad, it tells us how to feel, when to be angry, when to be sad etc. etc. etc. Within hours of 9/11, it even told us who to hate (without evidence). And then of course when you dig deep into who owns and controls what, it starts to make a lot of fucking sense.

The internet is a big problem for the government. All this free information must be managed. I'm sure you've noticed that the price to connect has been steadily increasing. Man, the fucking shit I've read about on what some big corporations want and the government want to's fucking scary. I wouldn't doubt that in the near future, the internet is going to be very, very restricted.
Mar 18, 2003
askG said:
in another topic someone said that that guy who got beheaded might have been offed by the im not saying he was or he wasnt is it so hard for ppl to believe the US would kill off one of its own for its own advantages when it let thousands of ppl die on 9.11?

the way governments conduct bussiness is cuthroat, regardless of the ppl theyre putting down, if it means having americans die because of oil, then you better believe your ass those americans are going to die without hesitation from the ppl who pull the plugs.
It is not hard for people to believe that, but it is hard for people to believe that the United States is behind EVERY BAD INCIDENT going on in this country. Planes slam into U.S. towers, the U.S. government was behind it. An American dies over seas, America did it. You've asked the question, not let me ask you a much more logical question. On a video with 4 middle-easterns beheading an American "civilian", what is more likely the truth. Thats the U.S. paid these "terrorists" to kill one of their own people, or that these really are terrorists retaliating against the U.S. Why is it so hard for you guys to believe that these killers were acting on their own. It has everything to do with when I talked about people resting in the comfort of theroies that highlight their own interests. The very fact that you would ask such a question says a lot.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
im not saying it wasnt really terrorists acting on their own, howd you get that impression? what i was trying to say is, try to point the finger at our own government for anything, regardless of evidence, ppl refuse to believe it, dont tell me you think this government has never acted on its own citizens, that wasnt american planes spraying agent orange in vietnam w its own soldiers in the jungle?if facts such as those exist, why do ppl turn a deaf ear when others suggest it could happen again? im not saying every little single act against the US is done by the US gov.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
The guy reading in the video read the same fucking page like 4 times. And said different shit. I don't who did it, but I find it HIGHLY unlikely that some WHITE AMERICAN was in the Middle East during this time, without some sort of big ass US enterage (sp?). Last reported he was in US custody too right?