la clicka

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Oct 12, 2003
never heard of them, heard of some fools from las vegas called CLIKA 1, i thought they were pretty dope at first but then i found out they rap with frost so i thought they were skraps.
Oct 12, 2003
yea they got some dope shit, but can you tell me if they bang 13 or what. do you know? cause i remember on one song it starts off "Walkin down the street with a blue rag" or some shit.
Yea 1 of em is SUR its the tall lookin one. Hes from SanChucos, hes sez so on there second cd. But the othere two, ones a 18th street and Romero i heard dont bang. Its weird tho cuz here 18th street dont rep sur just the 18, and alot of em dont get along with surenos just 28th streetrs thats why if u see there cd covers on any clicka1 cd they all wearing RED. Clicka1's coo tho, i got Romeros new CD off of Chingoblings web site. I really aint fellin it to much tho cuz he has a song with lilbob, but the one track he has with Beesh is tight.

I dont know, that sur thing here aint goin down like it dose in NORTE, here it dont matter if u sur or norte. Ether way youll get your ass beat just cuz u gangbang. Thats why they dont strees sides on there cds, like the saying goes "MONEY KNOWS NO COLOR CARNAL" make of it what you will.


doomsday r crips. They put out a cd called blue ragg tales from the crip. DOOMSDAY IS SICK
May 24, 2002
Yeah, the bangin out here aint like it is in Cali. The mexican sets have been around for generations but it seems like only lately, the last coupla years that you started seein X3 tagged all over the place. From San Chucos to Lil Locos to 28th St. I've known and know folks from all them sets and it never seemed to me that they was reppin 13 or 14. Or at least I never heard of that in Vegas until the mid to late 90's.

As far as Clika goes I can only speak what I know. A lot of cat's are "affiliated" and have homeboys from one set or another. As far as BadBoy bangin 18, I aint never seen that. BadBoy went to the same high school I did and it was a nigga school ran by 3 or 4 different Crip sets. If anything he used to bang crip. Things can change tho, when I talk to BadBoy we don't talk about bangin - but from my history with dude I aint never seen any clue that made me think he was 18st. Ese Brown the same thing, if he is from San Chucos, me personally, I aint never seen it.

Like I said a lot of cats are affiliated, but from what I have seen Clika is just some tight ass MC's who come from Vegas where the bangin culture is different. That's probably why a lot of Cali folks wanna know if they bang 13, cuz in Cali it seems it's basically one or the other. But in Vegas, historically if you was bangin in a chicano set it didn't have to be about either one.

And another thing, I saw some folks say Clika gotta be surenos because the name ESE brown. But again out here Ese is a word used by non mexican folk to refer to mexicans, and by mexican folks talking to each other. I doubt that most of them bangin out here even know that up north yall call each other ene - I never heard of ene til I came to THIS board.

There is a huge migration of all types of Southern Californians to Vegas and they bringin they bangin with em. I guess thats why X3 is becoming a part of the streets down here too.

Like I said in past posts, I seen Clika sportin red as well as blue. It just aint the same in Vegas.

Oh and Pelon, thanks for the love homeboy.
May 24, 2002
Like I said, if anything he used to bang crip.

As far as I'm a Norte I'm a Sur, I aint never asked romero what he meant - but the way I take it is a mutha fukka wouldn't dare say I'm a Norte if he was Sur and if he was a sur he wouldn't say I'm a norte. When I heard it it just made me think he was saying I aint neither one, I'm just tryin reach all yall. Not in a buster way, tryna claim North one moment and south the next, but I'm just tryna reach all yall. He also said "I'm a lover I'm a Fighter" -we all know the old saying "Are you a lover or a fighter" again the way I took it is that dude is just tryna say "don't throw me in 1 category, I want all yall to feel me".

Yall gotta remember music is an art, and I know a lot of the lyrics don't seem like they fall into that category, but a lot of folks just take EXACTLY what an artists said and don't try and figure out what he was really TRYING to say.

A few years back KRS 1 made the statement "I am Hip Hop" he made a whole bunch of mutha fukkas mad, including me, because if you take his statement literally then he is saying he runs hip hop, he is the king, he is the source, he is the most important factor in hip hop - it took me a few years to understand that he wasn't saying he is hip hop literally - he was trying to say that everything about him is hip hop, if you want to understand what hip hop is then look at me (KRS) because I am a prime example of what the hip hop lifestyle is about. I think that's basically the same type of thing Romero was saying.

But like I said, I aint never asked him - thats just the way I took his lyrics...
Apr 25, 2002
^^ yea when he said that line hes said it like this

im a loco im a rebble/
im an angle im a devil/
im a norte and a sur/
on the east side and the west-

to me thats like sayin hes universal..pretty much what 7 said
Oct 12, 2003
i remember i had got one of their cd's from my cousin in reno, he said that they were some local talent and that they were pretty tight. i got home and i heard that "Walkin Down The Street with a blue rag" shit and i was pissed. i listend to the rest of the cd, it was only like 8 tracks long, and i didnt hear any other skrap references. but that was the last time i heard the cd, i aint even tryin to bump that shit in my ride.