Like I said, if anything he used to bang crip.
As far as I'm a Norte I'm a Sur, I aint never asked romero what he meant - but the way I take it is a mutha fukka wouldn't dare say I'm a Norte if he was Sur and if he was a sur he wouldn't say I'm a norte. When I heard it it just made me think he was saying I aint neither one, I'm just tryin reach all yall. Not in a buster way, tryna claim North one moment and south the next, but I'm just tryna reach all yall. He also said "I'm a lover I'm a Fighter" -we all know the old saying "Are you a lover or a fighter" again the way I took it is that dude is just tryna say "don't throw me in 1 category, I want all yall to feel me".
Yall gotta remember music is an art, and I know a lot of the lyrics don't seem like they fall into that category, but a lot of folks just take EXACTLY what an artists said and don't try and figure out what he was really TRYING to say.
A few years back KRS 1 made the statement "I am Hip Hop" he made a whole bunch of mutha fukkas mad, including me, because if you take his statement literally then he is saying he runs hip hop, he is the king, he is the source, he is the most important factor in hip hop - it took me a few years to understand that he wasn't saying he is hip hop literally - he was trying to say that everything about him is hip hop, if you want to understand what hip hop is then look at me (KRS) because I am a prime example of what the hip hop lifestyle is about. I think that's basically the same type of thing Romero was saying.
But like I said, I aint never asked him - thats just the way I took his lyrics...