For all you guys, that say these Legends still wrestling are Wash-ups, you still have to appreciate what they give you. Did you know why more Legends are returning, because the WWE doesn't want you to know they're on a downfall, though very obvious. If it weren't for Legends like HBK, Hulk Hogan who appears on and off, and Ric Flair, Mick Foley, the WWE wouldn't be shit right now.
They should have kept Batista at Raw so he always have one of those "GOOD HEATS" with Triple H, so that the ratings or at the least the show remains interesting. All the Best Talent is in Raw now, and the Little bit of good wrestlers at Raw. The Draft killed it, they should have continued wrestler continuing their beef, going from raw, and entering Smackdown.
Even with all the Best Talent on Smackdown, the show is sorrier than raw, and Raw has sorrier Wrestlers!