Myself? I detonate, elevate-cock-back & evacuate...Watch SMuRF disentagrate into the air waves, hoak spit & infultrate...CAT IMA MUFUCKAN HOGG, That'sa pitbull with hooves...You just'a under-achiever with a shitload of 'I-WISH-COULDS", hang you with HOOKS...Evaporating into the air you inhalen, chest-inpalin, fuck fairy tellin...I appriciate your participation but this VACCINATIONs steal penetrating...SO BACK UP BITCH, drag you down the street & put pumps on ya feet...KAWANDA send the rescue'az-down-unda, wake me out the sleep ima mufuckan BEAST...Get it kid, I'll drop you quicker then triple stacks, no black mask...Flip the caddy's-track 'WHERE YOU FROM" this queer don't answer back...You'a flamingo, ima phoenix, SEE-ME-NEXT, im calibrated to heartbeat in ya chest...So lable it a fualt or understimation, im suffocating what breath you have left...STAY IN CROSS TRAININ, Remember SAFTY FIRST...I'll smobb up wita safty pin & take your purse...SO you say im-un-articulate, kinda-ah-fuckan-hypocrit...Pound & touch-on-it, this clips to tear simps to tid-bits...Minced & been handed over to the cementary...Im the type to take the knife & rape cary...Thats direct in my line of fire, i deploy 'through the wire"...HOGGISH IN GIRBAUD ATIRE, remain fig while these dates expire...Read this in rewind, I sniff coke with razorblades on the sidelines...Take a hint Rawanda commit-suicide, 'You'll be just fine"...
something quick