I got this fuckin' bitch I used to be best friends with back in the days when we were in middle/high school. Her name is Amy. Anyway, she rolls around in a new car, don't remember what kind, but she works as a waitress at Applebee's. My other good friend Krystle and I, we get an apartment and this bitch has the nerve to say we live in the fuckin' ghetto and continues to run off at the mouth just talkin' us down like crazy. I'm just like, pfft, whatever... bitch thinks I'm a druggie or some shit anyway." And the apartments we lived in weren't even bad. She's just one of them "Too Good" for you kinda people. You know them ppl that walk around like their shit don't stink? Yeah... them kinda people.
Not even a month later she's at work and they're repossessing her fuckin' car right in Applebee's parking lot, lol, right in front of all her co-workers and shit. She runs out there to talk to dude but dude ends up driving off with her car anyway. Me and Krystle damn near busted our guts laughing so fuckin' hard. Ha. What a dumb bitch! I might drive a piece of shit car and not live in an upper class apartment, but at least I pay my fuckin' bills and can keep my shit. I dunno, that shit was funnier than fuck though.