Damn Al B Sure just got fat thats it. But Tevin and K-Ci looks really horrible and cracked out. You can tell they did alot of drugs due to the rinkles on they faces
"remeber when we were sombody?"- Tevin
"no.... anybody know where I sat my pipe"- K.C
"Damn...ya'll make me feel good about myself again... ooh I gotta run here come Christopher Williams...and he can't stand when it's 2 light skinned dudes in the same building"-AL B.Sure
"He's got nice cheeks"(starring at Al.B's ass as he leaves)-Tevin
"Got damn't mama I smoked the T.V"(on the phone talking while patting his pockets looking for his hubbas)-K.C
From the Upcoming Play: Mama...I'm in love Hubbas. Written by : Dr. Rocks Endapype