so congrats to the Niners
I knew it wasn't gonna be a blowout either way... Niners came out on top... our offense sucked... we let Gore get loose... it is what it is... Niners needed the win badly and they got it, good job
I was still walkin out of the Stick yellin out "FUCK THE BITCH ASS NINERS!!!" all in Niners fans faces, mufuckas weren't saying shit either... hahaha
it was a good ass time though, most of the fans were actually really cool, expect for the fags in the parking lot bitching about out music, while the Raiders fans weren't trippin at all (btw we were in my boy's car who is a NINERS fan, so it wasn't a bias against Raiders fans, it was just Niners fans being wine and cheese faggots)
congrats thought Niners
shit, at least the Queefs, Donkeys, and Dolts lost today, we still in this division