Just Had To Post This...

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Apr 9, 2005
I saw this guy looking for a cover designer on another forum, so I hit him up on AIM to see if he was still lookin:

Me: yo
Douche: who dis
Me: i saw u were looking for a designer on the boxden forums
Douche: let me c your work
Me: www.myspace.com/underground_customs
Douche: na im good your work not worth that price

Fuck it mayne, I don't need him anyway. I'm sick of these people acting like WE need them. Fuck that THEY need us feel me??
May 26, 2007
thats why u should always ask them what they are looking for upfront and get upfront costs or lay it out for them..if these fools dont give details how are u to know your work will match what they need and they are serious about paying....its a business so yeah your going to run your part of the negotiation piece well...not to mention your portfolio isnt all your capable of so whatever he saw maybe he thought you couldnt do what they need or want..thats why you send a sample but get details before hand..