Just Do It.....

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Apr 18, 2005
This is how I felt a couple years back when my whole life was shit. I was diggin' through some shit and found it so I though I'd share it......

I'm hatin' everyone an feelin' like shit
Chillin' in da dark nobody knows I exist
Sick of gettin' dissed, alwayz gettin' pissed
Resolve all my problems wit two slits of my wrists

I don't care for happiness I don't feel like movin' at all
Sittin' alone hurtin' myself waitin for death's call
Cause I'm hopin' for death, lookin' for an end to this life
Talked my self into suicide time to decide a noose or a knife

Nobody's hearin' me, nobody's feelin' me
Makin more enemies, but I don't want no sympathy
I don't want no pity, I just want someone to understand
This pain never stops, try to shut it out but feel it again

Confused and afraid my mind spins and drifts to non exsistance
Feels like the whole world I'm against, end this in an instance.
Too much bottled up frustration, too much problems I'm facin'
An unsteady pacin' from an overdose of medication

Now i'm feelin so twisted,now i'm feelin' so sick
Now I'm waitin' for my clock to tock its last tick
I'm finally freed from the inner pain which from I couldn't hide
No matter how hard I tried, I resolve my life with suicide........

Give me some feedback homiez...