Its the cassett cover & tape in superb mint condition, got mac shawn music for the mobb, san quinn & messy marv-explosive mode, and 2-pac strictly for my niggaz jus ta bump, is that mac sahwn worth anything either? all 4 for 2 bones:0
haha lOl noanswer! but yea my grandparents like ta go there its that ol fashion Mex tpe thang, I always come up on tyte shit whe ni go there tho too, last time it was seff tha gaffla CD debut, and b4 that it was a box of sealed mac mall sic wit dis CD singles:0
LOL 64 views & no answer! c'mon my feelins wont be hurt if it aint worth shit! LOL I jus wanna know cause I remember readin its rare and shit all the time always auctions & shit about it
Not I, says me! If it were a CD [even a cdr] I would but I dont really trip offa tapes and I know its worth somethin ta someone, so I'd like ta know what a fair asking price it, thats all.
good lookin out ya'll, yea soundz about right, it is a tape but it is the OG as well, got that grimey ass cover ta make it stick out:0
yea im lovin it tho, great album fo show!