LOL, I started some shit over at JIN's messageboard... some fool tried to play Tech as a "Nobody", all I wanted was to get in contact with JIN, cause I'd love for him to do some shit with Tech N9ne, maybe even for them to BATTLE each other.
ya'll remember JIN from 106 & Park right?????
I told Travis my idea of having Jin do some shit with Tech, but I was surprised that he didn't know who Jin was, but ain't this a dope-ass idea???
oh yeah, if ya'll can, hit up JIN's board and help me put them fools on check!!
here's JIN's board:
lol,sorry, it's that asian in me
and I PERSONALLY think that hitting that board will get more TEch N9ne fans like it already IS doing that are of my asian demographic...picture this... ALOT more HOT ASIAN girls up at TECH N9NE CONCERTS!!!! c'mon now!!! if you HATE this idea, you must be Mr. Garrison!!
ya'll remember JIN from 106 & Park right?????
I told Travis my idea of having Jin do some shit with Tech, but I was surprised that he didn't know who Jin was, but ain't this a dope-ass idea???
oh yeah, if ya'll can, hit up JIN's board and help me put them fools on check!!
here's JIN's board:
lol,sorry, it's that asian in me
and I PERSONALLY think that hitting that board will get more TEch N9ne fans like it already IS doing that are of my asian demographic...picture this... ALOT more HOT ASIAN girls up at TECH N9NE CONCERTS!!!! c'mon now!!! if you HATE this idea, you must be Mr. Garrison!!