thats the kinda shit im talking about...where you got no affiliation to no one, but folks ASSUME shit and classify shit. Now, I'm not sure about Coner's affiliation so i won't speak on that but let's use east co co. if you wore that on a shirt I think classifying it as norte is suitable, however not all east co co fans are affiliated so that sucks for them. but look at this, so far JEFE has nothing to do with anything, but if people see us taking pride in our culture and history it could be misconstrued as something else. you get it? just by the way people are. and just the same way, i was at chula vista center with a red polo shirt come red nikes and a red yankees hat and some chump said i was supposed to be wearing blue? i told that foo i DO wear blue and when i do i wear ALL BLUE cause guess what, i like to match. same shit goes both ways....its all ignorance. anyways, ID LIKE TO STATE I HAVE NO AFFILIATION AND I GOT LOVE FOR EAST CO CO FOR THE SIMPLE FACT THAT THEY MAKE GOOD MUSIC THATS REAL, ALSO I JUST BOUGHT CONERS ALBUM (haven't heard it yet). just had to put that out there to clear things up.