japanese website www.2tight.jp

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Mar 19, 2008
I just ordered a cd from these guys. They look legit to me. They aren't selling a bunch of known bootlegs like other japanese sites so I took a shot with them. Anybody ordered from these guys or know about them?
Mar 19, 2008
I was able to find a link for "Ask seller a question" (by guess and check) and I asked them (in english) if they shipped to the US and how much. I also used babelfish.yahoo.com to do some translating of some of the pages/fields. They responded with an email in very good english saying where to send a paypal payment to. It's kind of risky, but i'll take the risk.
Feb 21, 2006
2tight.jp is my homies store in Japan. He flies ALL OVER the place just to hit up record stores and meet up with different artists/collectors to buy stuff for his store. He flew to the Bay 3 times just to buy vinyl from me. Not to brag or anything but he once bought 2,000+ vinyl records from me and spent almost $3,000 to have it shipped back to Japan. i also took him to Rasputin and Amoeba Records and he dropped almost $1,000 at each store. dude has crazy money.

with all that said, i would say 99.5% of his stuff is all legit. He also hates bootlegs/bootleggers so i wouldnt be worried about ordering from his site.
May 12, 2002
I think these guys have a copy of my O.G. L-Love presents "The Styles Of The Bay" from 1997. I wonder where people keep finding those? I don't even have one.
a fella named o_muzik_g had a grip of em on eBay, yearss back. I think cassettejunky did too.. eBay acquisitions maybe, but, since this cat has been on buyin missions in the bay, he prolly had a list n made a come up on a box!
Mar 3, 2006
i dont have a problem with reprints in general, japanese, german, wherever they came from, but if they are claimed as originals or got inefficient description form sellers offline, auctions, web shops, im against it and will hate on it.
reprinting stuff to help people get what is already very hard to find as original is positive, but reprinting it just to get the money fast thats a negative.
sadly its the "negative" option that takes the most part in this game, people selling stuff claiming legit, but when you hit them with the truth they changing the story sayin they didnt know.
complete list of official re-released/bootlegged albums should be made here for the benefit of all.
...young d boys..vontel..mr. iroc..young dre d..playa g...
2tight.jp is my homies store in Japan. He flies ALL OVER the place just to hit up record stores and meet up with different artists/collectors to buy stuff for his store. He flew to the Bay 3 times just to buy vinyl from me. Not to brag or anything but he once bought 2,000+ vinyl records from me and spent almost $3,000 to have it shipped back to Japan. i also took him to Rasputin and Amoeba Records and he dropped almost $1,000 at each store. dude has crazy money.

with all that said, i would say 99.5% of his stuff is all legit. He also hates bootlegs/bootleggers so i wouldnt be worried about ordering from his site.

supa rare collecta ok ok

Hory that shit is krazy homie, talk about a hook up, them japz is some crazy motherfuckers
Sep 17, 2005
2tight.jp is my homies store in Japan. He flies ALL OVER the place just to hit up record stores and meet up with different artists/collectors to buy stuff for his store. He flew to the Bay 3 times just to buy vinyl from me. Not to brag or anything but he once bought 2,000+ vinyl records from me and spent almost $3,000 to have it shipped back to Japan. i also took him to Rasputin and Amoeba Records and he dropped almost $1,000 at each store. dude has crazy money.

with all that said, i would say 99.5% of his stuff is all legit. He also hates bootlegs/bootleggers so i wouldnt be worried about ordering from his site.
Ha, thats crazy. This one spot I always hit up for old stuff is run by a cat that used to be with a local group in the 90s. Maybe a year ago he told me some asian cat from overseas had come through there and bought alot of the stuff I usually scoop from him.
Feb 21, 2006
^^^haha probably same dude, but then again there are a couple Japanese dudes i ran into who visit the Bay a couple times a year to pick up a shit load of cds, tapes, vinyl. There could be some OFFICIAL rereleases on his site where he would meet up with certain artists to get their permission to get their albums repressed. Most of the time he said the artists would already have boxes of old albums just sitting in storage so most of them could be original 1st releases.

oh yeah, when he first came to visit the Bay i took him to City Hall Records and we both cleaned out most of their rare/hard-to-find titles. thats how i got most of my stuff in my collection and thats how he has alot of rare shit in his store.
May 1, 2002
^^^haha probably same dude, but then again there are a couple Japanese dudes i ran into who visit the Bay a couple times a year to pick up a shit load of cds, tapes, vinyl. There could be some OFFICIAL rereleases on his site where he would meet up with certain artists to get their permission to get their albums repressed. Most of the time he said the artists would already have boxes of old albums just sitting in storage so most of them could be original 1st releases.

oh yeah, when he first came to visit the Bay i took him to City Hall Records and we both cleaned out most of their rare/hard-to-find titles. thats how i got most of my stuff in my collection and thats how he has alot of rare shit in his store.
same dude? daym....ballatician right there