95.5 is a queer station anyway, same ol shit different day. What they need to do is take the advice of a radio legend and get back to basics, real hip hop starts in the streets and jammin' wouldn't know what street was if they were shot on the corner of one, I am so sick and tired of that wanna be morning show I could just about puke. get real and do something worth while for the people for a change, other than talk dumb shit about B.Spears and J. timberlake like they are some sort of hip hop icons and shit. I haven't even heard any real hip hop other than when bootz and starchile's on the air other than that just a bunch of sissyfied wanna be gangster music. No Scarface, T. Nutty, Mr. Capone, No Wu Tang, No Fab Sats, No Myg, No ol school or nathan. Sports would be a better format for them fags anyway let real people handle the gangster music and music to drive by, other than that they can change they name to packin' 9.5 in they ass...