it's not a fact homie, if your not there it's not a fact...and i'm not trying to unsult you, or by any means negate what your saying, my position is the same as yours, i agree that nurmerous horrible deeds have been commited by the US...
but having said that...
i do not feel that in any of the cases you have stated, this is my opinion...that the US overall in any of those conflicts was the worse party involved...that said, and before you jump on that, i'm not saying the US did not do bad deeds...
take Iraq for instance, on a comparision to the US on a nation to nation look...
ruler: Iraq has a saddistic and evil killing machine, who at all cost will keep them dead, poor and starving all so he can keep money for himself.
US, president, we don't like him, but does he take our food away, and give one meal a day from the back of a truck?, does he bomb is his people?, does he order mexico or canada invaded for any reason because he says so? we do have poor people, but people do have the right and ability to succeed in this country
i could go on with each country you mentioned and it's the same shit...thats what i'm refering to when i talk abou the UN laws, and shit like that...those countries, not the people, the people never deserve to die, but those countries when a dictator does that, it is inevitiable for a war not to happen...and when that happens we all know bad shit is ahead...
bottom line is agree with you, but not on everything, but the basis of what your sayin i feel you...but you and i included don't know the most of it....i caught a glimpse, and i tasted the reaction when i got home from Iraq...there where protesters there calling us child killers, and infant killers...when it wasn't the case, but just like you, they had their PROOF...lmao...
there is no such thing as a fact unless you were there to see it, both you and i are only qouting what we either heard or have read...
as for your vietnam answer, why don't you quite with the idea that they didn't oppress their own people also?...why so much blame on some one else...i agree that, that war was uselss, damn we never should have went, but thats world pressure for you...
and quit cryin about who was oppressing who, the french or the brits....blah blah blah...weaker nations always get conqeured, thats fact, thats human nature, it's wrong but damn live with it, both you and i would like for it to be different, but it never will, all i can do is pray for those is crisis, and thank god i am not...
and i ain't ranting, i just know for a fact you have never stepped on the battle reason being i used to think exactly like you...until i hit the field, until i saw the shit first hand...until i came home to jeers and people throwin shit at us...yes it did happen, and you know why?, cuzz the media portrayed it that way...
i respect your opinions tho, at least you have them, and you care enough to write about it...but one thing, don't get caught up in reading articles, and news, and shit like telling me to read this, or watch that....
real news is discovered, and it's hidden...not taped delayed and transcripted...
reason i say that, is having been in the intelligence field, i saw news as news really was, before it was gov't washed and re transcripted over the air or on paper....
and everything, i mean EVERYTHING you read or have seen, has been gov't me, it's alot deeper than you can imagine...