The reality is this...
The RDV's obvously are washed up in my opinion...
The have some catchy music, but for one, their tightest rapper is in prison doing life. Tech was the one that made their songs worth listening to, and without the Mitch Bade remake, (Millenium Mitch) thanks to Tech, the CD will pretty much have only two good songs, and if the had tried to do "Let's Get Fucked Up" without Tech, it would've been wack.
They had the nerves to say that they "Funded" Tech's previous shit, but we all know the real on that. And also some other garbage that was ridiculous. The little that I did get to read, and hopefully I can go out and buy a Murder Dog today to see what everyone is on (Tech wise)...
Bakarii had the nerves to say that "Tech is on the cover of a CD dressed like "THE DEVIL" and that is something that KC isn't feeling. He stated that there is two things that you do not play with and that is "Peoples children & God"... Now we all know that, if Bakarii's punk ass was smart, he'd know the real on what the cover say's about AngHellic, and that Devils dont have wings! Dickhead!!!
When I always see Bakarii, he's always saying something crooked about how Tech went Hollywood, or he's on some "Other shit"... Ha, ha... Me and him are cool between us, but he always gotta mention Tech this, Tech that, but what do they feel that they are going to accomplish by getting rid of the person that is laying the ground for them and other struggling local artists to walk on? They have to get all furious because AngHellic set them fools straight in KC last year with selling like it did, but "That isn't what KC wants to hear. RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, something else that seems to be a problem with the RDV's is how Tech's music is "Supposedly" mostly centerd around "White Folks" and not black people, but now that I have been informed that in KC, Black people only make up 13% of the population, so a majority of his record sales are relied on by the white fans a little more, but that doesn't mean that his music has "Sold out", it's just that they love his shit and he makes "Good Music"... What do they do when they have signings and white peope show up? They better be glad that Tech has done what he has for them, because he has opened more avenues for them than they ever would have in a million years. Honestly, the thing that has turned me on to the RDV's was Tech. He's the man behind the RDV's success in my opinion. So when the majority of the populations race is buying your CD's because they are good, you can't get mad, that's what race every artist rely's on, and they obviously know good music, now if they want to go on about it as if they will survive the game by selling to all black people, then good luck.
The only reason people hate on Tech and say that he's gone "Hollywood" is because They Can't!!!!
A majority of K.C. music is bunk, it sounds the same, non innovative, blends in too much with other shit, and since they can't do what he can, They hate... If they hate him so much "QUIT USING TECH"S WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!