Timmy, I realize you are still a kid under your parents care, and so you know absolutely nothing about the responsibilities of adulthood. But its not a level playing field out here, and there are lots of people who get truly fucked by circumstances beyond their control. Its great in theory to say that everyone has the ability to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a job and pay their bills legally. But, do you really think that old did is chosing to rob a store because hes enamored with the gangster life and doesnt want a legitimate job? The siccness has this little group of conservatives that support themselves off of other people (your parents) or the state (mr diamond an his SSI) and rail against the same social services they benifit from. You're what 15, 16? why dont you move the fuck out of your parents house right now, without finishing school, go get a job at arby's, and in a few months when you're panhandling to keep the lights on, because you 6.25 and hour just doesnt cut it, then let me know what you think about food banks and subsidized housing.