It's a nice day for a white wedding

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May 13, 2002
"They [Americans] hit two homes where the wedding was being held and then they levelled the whole village"

Iraqis have been burying more of the victims of a US air strike which they said hit a wedding party.

Mourners said an Iraqi wedding singer and his musician brother were among more than 40 people killed.

Television footage has shown bodies, including those of children, wrapped in blankets and loaded onto trucks.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Damn, I knew shit like that was going on but that's fucked up....Something is very very wrong with our country and the people running it.
May 2, 2002

I asked that you post the whole story cause you make it seem as though we just bombed a wedding for the hell of it.

Although I know that's what you were trying to do.

Here is the WHOLE story.

Rory McCarthy in Baghdad
Thursday May 20, 2004
The Guardian

Iraqi officials last night said an American helicopter fired on a wedding party in western Iraq killing more than 40 people, including many children, in another damaging setback for the US occupation.

A senior Iraqi police officer told the Associated Press that a helicopter fired at the party early yesterday morning in a remote village close to the Syrian border, killing between 42 and 45 people.

Television footage showed a truck carrying the bodies of the dead arriving in Ramadi, the nearest big town. Many of the dead were clearly children.

In a written statement the Pentagon said last night: "Our report is that this was not a wedding party, that these were anti-coalition forces that fired first, and that US troops returned fire, destroying several vehicles, and killing a number of them.

"During the operation, coalition forces came under hostile fire and close air support was provided."

He said coalition forces on the ground recovered numerous weapons, 2m Iraqi dinars and Syrian pounds, foreign passports and a satcom radio.

Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, deputy director of operations for the US military in Iraq, told Reuters the attack targeted "a suspected foreign fighter safe house".

The killings, if proven, are certain to damage even further the US military's battered reputation in Iraq. Already the US is reeling from its much-criticised operations in Falluja last month which claimed hundreds of Iraqi lives and now the scandal of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison.

The attack came on the same day as the US military convicted in a court martial the first soldier involved in the prison abuse, an attempt to rebuild the US military's image among the Iraqi people.

Witnesses said yesterday that guests had been firing guns into the air in a traditional sign of celebration before the American helicopter attack in the village of Mukaradeeb, near the town of al-Qaim in western Iraq.

Lieutenant Colonel Ziyad al-Jbouri, the deputy police chief for Ramadi, 80 miles west of Baghdad, told AP that the dead included 15 children and 10 women. He said the attack happened at 2:45am yesterday in a desert area near the remote border with Syria.

"This was a wedding and the planes came and attacked the people at a house. Is this the democracy and freedom that Bush has brought us? There was no reason," said Dahham Harraj, one man filmed in an AP video.

Television footage broadcast last night on the al-Arabiya television channel showed a truck laden with bodies.

Men carried the bodies wrapped in blankets from the back of the truck into deep graves in the desert on the outskirts of Ramadi. One body, carried in a white blanket, was that of a young girl aged five or six. Other bodies, laid on the ground in a line, had clearly suffered horrific injuries.

One man, wearing a white and black keffiyeh, told the television channel he saw the Americans bomb the village. "We were in Mukaradeeb. At 3am they rained the air with bombs," he said. "One after another the bombs were falling. Three houses with the guests inside were hit. They fired as if there were an armoured brigade inside, not a wedding party."

In a video filmed by AP another anonymous man said the victims had been guests at the wedding. "The US military planes came ... and started killing everyone in the house," he said.

Salah al-Ani, a doctor at the hospital in Ramadi, told AP the death toll was 45. He said the wedding guests had been firing in the air. American troops had come to investigate and then left. At about 3 am, they returned in helicopters and destroyed two houses.

The attack had the hallmarks of a similar incident in Afghanistan two years ago in which a US jet fired at a wedding party in Uruzgan province, in the south, killing 48 Afghan civilians and wounding more than 100.

The wedding had been targeted because guests were firing Kalashnikovs in the air as a traditional sign of celebration. After an investigation, the pilots were exonerated and the US military said they had come under fire.

The village of Mukaradeeb - "the wolves' den" - is a small remote village of barely a dozen houses in the desert by Iraq's western border.

A convoy near the village came under attack by the US military last June, reportedly because the army believed Saddam Hussein was moving through the area, heading towards Syria.

More recently US troops have conducted aggressive operations around the town of al-Qaim, cordoning it off for several days at one point as they arrested dozens of young men.
May 13, 2002
Thanks. That article just supported my thread even more. Normal activity by the pentagon. DENY, DENY, DENY!

I like how they mentioned the slaughter in Afghanistan too. "two years ago in which a US jet fired at a wedding party in Uruzgan province, in the south, killing 48 Afghan civilians and wounding more than 100."

Thank you for posting the article, comrade.
May 2, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Thanks. That article just supported my thread even more. Normal activity by the pentagon. DENY, DENY, DENY!

I like how they mentioned the slaughter in Afghanistan too. "two years ago in which a US jet fired at a wedding party in Uruzgan province, in the south, killing 48 Afghan civilians and wounding more than 100."

Thank you for posting the article, comrade.
You're welcome. I could have been like you and cut out the you did again.

You forgot to quote "After an investigation, the pilots were exonerated and the US military said they had come under fire."

I'm not saying what we did was right, but during a time of war, shooting in the air at 3:00am isn't the smartest thing to do.
May 13, 2002
gimpypimp said:
You're welcome. I could have been like you and cut out the you did again.

You forgot to quote "After an investigation, the pilots were exonerated and the US military said they had come under fire."

I'm not saying what we did was right, but during a time of war, shooting in the air at 3:00am isn't the smartest thing to do.
Oh yes, we all know when pilots are exonerated nothing bad or criminal ever occured!

Sure, it probably isn't the smartest thing to shoot rifles in the air (which is a custome there) at 3:00am (if that really occured) but you don't have to blow up the entire buildings. It's fucking retarded.

"Hey Captain! I think I see woman and children!"
"Don't worry Billy, they are only Arabs!"
"Fire at will!"
May 2, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Oh yes, we all know when pilots are exonerated nothing bad or criminal ever occured!

Sure, it probably isn't the smartest thing to shoot rifles in the air (which is a custome there) at 3:00am (if that really occured) but you don't have to blow up the entire buildings. It's fucking retarded.

"Hey Captain! I think I see woman and children!"
"Don't worry Billy, they are only Arabs!"
"Fire at will!"
How are we to know that they didn't fire on them? Maybe they shot and then scattered into the buildings.

Blowing up the buildings may be retarded in your eyes, but again, this is a time of war. War isn't can be merciless.

Bottom line is, we don't know what really happened. We only know what we read or hear.

We have the luxury of sitting back and questioning the aftermath.
Mar 18, 2003
Can *any* of you prove it was a wedding party? Did any of you attend..

Can *any* of you prove it was not a social terrorist gathering? If it were, do you think they would post a sign out front saying "terrorists inside" or would they cover it up with say, oh, I don't know, a wedding?

You can not talk about being a free thinker, then jump all over an "article" that fits your agenda. What we know is that children are dead, and that is all that matters. It doesn't matter if it was a wedding or a terrorist "safe house", as a U.S. General put it, there are 40 Iraqi's dead, some of which are children. I don't care what the occasion was, they found weapons, passports, sattelite devices, and $2 million in riches... great wedding. Its not that you guys are attacking the other "side", it's that you guys are talking about this shit as if you were there. Fuck the General who ordered that strike, fuck the Iraqis who put these children in harms way, and fuck this dumb ass "wedding" and those shooting off rifles [around children] while people are dying every day by gunfire.

Hey honey, 10,000 civilians have been murdered by the U.S. military already, how about we get married, invite all the children, and shoot off rifles anyway...
May 2, 2002
Were there any American casualties? No. Thus, they cannot prove they were under fire. They blew the fuck out of a wedding party, end of story.
You can't prove what happened one way or another. All we know is what we are being told.

And by the way the rest of that article made 206's case even better :|
What case?
Dec 25, 2003
This is what I know:
1. Most soldiers/troops are for the most part, not the brightest. (What kind of soldier would be?)
2. They're not very good at distinguishing their surroundings in Iraq.
3. A vast majority do not speak even passing Arabic.
4. A vast majority have no clue about Iraqi/Middle Eastern culture.
5. The government is willing to lie/bend the truth in order to make a case.

This is what I say:
1. Who are we to say because we are killing Iraqis every day (~15 Iraqis for every 1 troop) that they should not fire weapons.
2. Who are we to say they should not hold weddings.
3. When I see military commanders on TV soundin like Alabama Gump, I don't expect them to make wise, culturally sensitive decisions in urban warfare.
4. We shouldn't be in Iraq in the first place.
Mar 18, 2003
Can anybody prove anything? Nah man, let's just watch clouds and trip out man ya know. Cause gotta go with the flow man...go with the flow.
No dude, like we gotta pick a side, and like, google news sites and look for rad stuff that we can post in our defense, while like, the other side will google bogus stuff to fight us with, totally dude. It's like, while the army is at war, like, were at war too, only we don't use guns and stuff.