Israel top threat to world peace.

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May 13, 2002
Europeans are smarter then Amerikans...
The only problem with this poll is amerika isn't number one.

Israel outraged as EU poll names it a threat to peace

Peter Beaumont, foreign affairs editor
Sunday November 2, 2003
The Observer

Israel has been described as the top threat to world peace, ahead of North Korea, Afghanistan and Iran, by an unpublished European Commission poll of 7,500 Europeans, sparking an international row.
The survey, conducted in October, of 500 people from each of the EU's member nations included a list of 15 countries with the question, 'tell me if in your opinion it presents or not a threat to peace in the world'. Israel was reportedly picked by 59 per cent of those interviewed.

The leaking of the results of the poll to El Pais and the International Herald Tribune has sparked a bitter row, with a major Jewish human rights and lobbying group, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, demanding that the EU be excluded from the Israel-Palestinian peace process and accusing Europe of suffering the worst outbreak of 'anti-semitism' since World War Two.

The results appear to be a mark of the widespread disapproval in Europe of the tactics employed by the government of Ariel Sharon during the present intifada.

Israeli Ministers and spokesman have also been at pains recently to insist that a definition of modern 'anti-semitism' should include criticism of the way the state of Israel chooses to protect itself, defining that criticism as an overt attack on Israel's survival.

Members of the Sharon government have bridled at the efforts of Tony Blair and UK officials to try to mediate between the two sides. At one stage journalists were briefed that Israel regarded the Foreign Office as having an 'Arabist' bias.

Reacting to the poll, the Simon Wies enthal Centre, which claims 400,000 members in the US alone, has begun ordering a petition to condemn the European Commission and demand the EU no longer be represented in the so-called Quartet group trying to mediate an end to violence between Israel and Palestine.

The poll also comes against a background of an increase in anti-semitic attacks in Europe in the past year, although the evidence in countries such as France suggests that many are being committed by young Islamists.

'This poll is an indication that Europeans have bought in, "hook, line and sinker", to the vilification and demonisation campaign directed against the state of Israel and her supporters by European leaders and media,' said Rabbi Marvin Hier, the Wiesenthal Centre's founder.

'This shocking result that Israel is the greatest threat to world peace, bigger than North Korea and Iran, defies logic and is a racist flight of fantasy that only shows that anti-semitism is deeply embedded within European society, more then at any other period since the end of the war,' he added.,6903,1076073,00.html
Aug 25, 2003
YOu better read up on history and understand that the jews were kicked around by all the arabs and other people. They have a right to act like they do. Your one of the many who are scared of the Jews and God so you run around here trying to disrupt what already is in the works. Oh you better research China before you try and talk about threats.

May 13, 2002
Dr. Curien said:
YOu better read up on history and understand that the jews were kicked around by all the arabs and other people. They have a right to act like they do. Your one of the many who are scared of the Jews and God so you run around here trying to disrupt what already is in the works. Oh you better research China before you try and talk about threats.

WOW! That was amazing! Since you’re a fellow Esham fan, I will go easy on you this time. First off I am not scared of “god” remember, I am an Atheist. Second, I am definitely not scared of Jews or any other race or religion. Regardless if you feel the Jews were “kicked around by all the arabs” or not, that does not give them the right to kill innocent people. Should the Native Americans have the right to walk around killing innocent people? Who has the most nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction in the world besides the U.S? Hmmm. Definately not Iraq, or Korea, or China, or Syria, or Iran, etc. etc. What is the core problem in the middle east for the last 50 years? Israel. Israel is the cancer of the middle east and until there government is removed, there will always be violence in the mideast.
And why should I research China when I probably know more about it then you? Why do you think China is a threat to the world? They are not a threat, they need the U.S just as bad as we need them and because of this there will be peace with China for a very, very long time.
Aug 25, 2003
What you posted made me see that people like you support the middle east. If we turn on Israel then we might as well burn because we will. And if you saying boycott this and that why dont you say boycott Blacks from voting and eating in plublic places you might as well cause slavery again. Or maybe you want to boycott Mexicans from eating in public places. To me your just a biggot, dissing Israel like you know the story. And your probably white because Communism came from whites. Athiest Iam sorry to hear that because when you die youll be surprised by what you see. So before you diss Israel you beter diss the rest of the world. I dont remember white people having millions of people being put in furnaces. This thread is bullshit just like your counter argument. Holla at me Hitler

May 13, 2002
Dr. Curien said:
What you posted made me see that people like you support the middle east. If we turn on Israel then we might as well burn because we will. And if you saying boycott this and that why dont you say boycott Blacks from voting and eating in plublic places you might as well cause slavery again. Or maybe you want to boycott Mexicans from eating in public places. To me your just a biggot, dissing Israel like you know the story. And your probably white because Communism came from whites. Athiest Iam sorry to hear that because when you die youll be surprised by what you see. So before you diss Israel you beter diss the rest of the world. I dont remember white people having millions of people being put in furnaces. This thread is bullshit just like your counter argument. Holla at me Hitler


And as for "communism coming from whites" proves that you know NOTHING about history. Karl Marx was part JEWISH!!! LMAO at your entire reply! Why is it when one is against the Israeli government he is automatically called a racist?!?! Hey, for your information there are MANY jews against Israel as well as the rest of the world.

^JEWS against the state of Israel! There is a big difference in being against JEWS and being against ISRAEL. For you to call me a racist is some of the stupidest shit I have ever heard come from anybody on the sicc besides mcleanhatch. Go ahead and support the Israeli govenment. Endorse the slaughter of thousands of people past, present and future.