noWetaG said:
the eatin/killing babies is a METAPHOR..........
every man or woman is their mother or fathers
BABY nomatter how old they get...........
since u say ur new 2 this site.....
and have never bought a LYNCH CD anyway......
u really have no room 2 speak on anything...
.....this site is called the SICCNESS
not the WIMPNESS......
what we listen 2 isnt meant 4 the majority 2 like....
if u cant stomach the shit, then be gone............
^^^Thatz my muthafucn word right there....
all of it.
Lynch brought out the hardest album to date, and he didnt censor hiz ish...
He haz brought out ish that iz easy for peoplez to picc apart. But instead of quoting or isolating lil thingz here and there, do what he haz said from the begining...
listen to the lyricz in their entirety, not just the disection of their parts....
"I hope people listen to the lyrics" ~ Lynch
haroon, you're on one. Break yourself