Since This ForUm, iS Alwayz TalkiN Bout God, Religion, And Shit LiKe ThaT, I Was Just WondEriN iF Any Of yOu would Call Someone Jesus. Even thought they are not the Jesus, you just called this person Jesus. KindA LiKE A NicKNamE.
I would call anyone Jesus if that was their name, i got a homie we call Jesu and a homie we call Jesus2 cause they both look like Jesus (how hes been drawn white at least).
As far as some man claiming to be Jesus, i would not.
Naw hes not claimiN, I don't even think he came up with it, peepz just started calliN him Jesus i think. He does look the like the picz. But thatz not the reason people call him by that name. Any White boy could grow a stash, and long hair, and look like Jesus. It just the way he opporates.
Before I joined the military I had long hair and a beard. When I shipped out for basic training everyone and I had to stay at a hotel in illinois for 5 days besause, supposedly, boot camp was full. While I was at the hotel I earned the nickname "Jesus". Even after I got my hair cut in boot camp they still referred to me as that. One person did get offended at one point so everyone just got a little more quiet about it...............
Why would there be anything wrong with it? Jesus is a John or Bill. If somebody is named Jesus, it would be dumb NOT to call them that...unless they preferred not to be called it.
theres a rapper i think he posts some were on the siccness who goes by gezus his real name is proably jesus most likely pronounced in spanish form i dont know if u really wanna know ask jester
Why would there be anything wrong with it? Jesus is a John or Bill. If somebody is named Jesus, it would be dumb NOT to call them that...unless they preferred not to be called it.