Yeah it's possible. It is VERY difficult unless one is abstaining for a spiritual cause, because sex attraction is the strongest force in existence. Sex attraction is what binds the atoms and holds the fabric of the universe together.
The origin of our sex attraction is a trip. The Supreme Lord eternally manifests His pleasure potency as the feminine form of Srimati Radharani. She is eternally connected to, yet distinct from the Supreme Lord. She is the personification of His pleasure energy. God is transcendental, which means that He is actually neither a He nor a She. God transcends gender.
In our actual spiritual constitution, we too are transcendental and genderless. However, our material bodies are either one or the other. Since we do not know about our spiritual nature, we mistakenly identify with our bodies, and as such we search out females in order to experience the pleasure potency. That ecstatic pleasure is absent in man, so man seeks a woman to fulfill that desire to experience pleasure.
Women, on the other hand, seek out men because man personifies the essence of life, the seed-giving quality of God. The natural tendency of women is to attract man and receive from them the seed of life. Their ability to attract man is what brings them pleasure. That is why they spend all their time trying to look good and shake they asses, because they know we cannot resist their form. Sex attraction is so great that even a wooden image of a woman is enough to arouse a man. Women are like a flame and men are butter. Unless our mind is fixed in transcendence, we will melt at the sight of their alluring form.
I know that sex for the purpose of sense gratification is a sin, but I am not so advanced that I can completely refrain from indulging in it. The way I restrict myself is that I don't give in to that desire every single time I feel it, I try to wait a couple days until my girl is fiending like crazy, then we bang it out like some straight rabbits. When I first got into God and spirituality, my girl thought I was gon be on some celibate shit. And even though celibacy is necessary if one is to FULLY know God, I'm far from that stage right now and she's real cool with it.
Other than her, I'm able to completely control my lust for the form of woman. Even the Bible says that to lustfully glance at a woman is the same as committing adultery with her. To understand things spiritual, the mind must be steady and controlled. To control the mind and keep it steady, one must first control the senses. And it is the senses which derive pleasure from woman, not the mind.
Good luck playa, it can be done. Just keep your eyes on the prize..