To me it's simple.People can beg for a new B.A.R.T. site,say this is wrong,and that is wrong,and so on.A message board is only as good as the Post's topic.There are millions of people on the net at any given time,so you are bound to run into "net characters",and plain old idiots no matter what site your on.I really doubt there are many sites like this,where people from mainly across the Westcoast not only post on here on a regular basis,but many have met each other,and have kicked it at a function basically promoted right on here.I went to the G.I. release party,kicked it with Psydal from Sac-Town,Smokie Loco from San Jo,Chalkline from Reno,and met other kats to.If you would of told me that shit when I registered years back,I would of laughed my ass off If someone thought I was flying to San Jo for a concert.This site is different,sometimes good,sometimes bad,but it's entertainment.To 95% of us this site has never been about networking.How was this site about networking when the only artists on here were Lynch,Sicx,DE,and P-Folks?This site I.M.O. is about finding underground releases you would have never known about,and tracking them down to hear quality music you never knew existed.I'm not on here to read people kiss each others ass,and pat each other on the back.I want to know when the newest kat from Merced drops,or Fresno,or whatever.Keep it simple,and respect the work Vamps,Curbie,Feben,Gatewon,B-Pleaze and Feben put into this site.If you don't like it,start up some new shit,and it may do better than this site,but I guarentee you there will always be ignorance on message boards.MUSIC.