REQUE$T DYNO ON YOUR LOCAL RADIO $ATION!!!! The more people a$k for hi$ $hit....The more they will wanna play it! $o even if your $ation dont got it...Keep a$k-n for it. The more they hear DYNO,DYNO,DYNO,DYNO they bound to $ay who the fuck i$ DYNO and why dont we got him? $tation$ love have-n $hit other $tation$ dont have.They are alway$ try-n to out-do each other. Tru$t me I know I'm a DJ! I know how the$e thing$ work. So get your mamma, daddy, $i$ter, brother, friend$,your $i$ter$ friend$, dog cat, fucken bird I dont care....get them all to call in and a$k for DYNO. I cant $tand hear-n $RAP$ on the radio anymore!!!!
"Let$ get together and help our people out"
"Let$ get together and help our people out"