You can watch it here since it is not yet available on Netflix:
I thought this was good. Some better films with better budgets and better directors on Graffiti that i've seen. But this touched on some nice international artists and some different mediums that I hadn't seen done much before in other docs. I give it 3.75 out of 5
Some quotes from the movie:
Graffiti isn't really a problem of the graffiti artist. I think it's a problem with society. It's like they don't know what the fuck to do with artisits in this society. Obviously these artists aren't criminals. These are really talented people. God's giving them this talent and their idiot society doesn't know what to do with it.
"oh look a rose is growing."
"pave over it."
"But is it art? I don't know, that's a matter of opinion. Does it have to be? Does it need to be? "