In the words/philosophy of MLK & Ghandi

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Jul 10, 2002
Hate doesn't pacify hate, violence doesn't pacify violence, only love will pacify hate...

Violence only brings more pain

It's no longer a question of violence or non-violence, it's a questions of non-violence or non-existence

It is too bad that we have forgotten (or never been taught) the philosophy and actions of CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE

can't anyone see that "eye for an eye" truly does leave (us) the whole world blind?


Apr 25, 2002
Considering the majority of humans take "eye for an eye" out of context (it has to do with MONETARY COMPENSATION not REVENGE or getting even) I can't see your point.

Kill or be killed........

I can love my enemy, pray for him but if he attempts to smoke me what am I supposed to do? Lay down and die? I'm not Yeshua/Jesus MLK or Ghandi.

Why did you make this thread?

useless 101

Apr 25, 2002
Im really confused by your post? What are you trying to relate this to? The war and military action in Iraq? I think if our troops layed down their arms and embraced everyone we'd have another 150,000 Nick Bergs.

btw civil disobedience has been around since before it was called that, but it was coined by an American during the Mexican War named Henry David Theoreu. I think America knows plenty about civil obedience, thats what America is all about.
Mar 27, 2004
MaddDogg said:
Im really confused by your post? What are you trying to relate this to? The war and military action in Iraq? I think if our troops layed down their arms and embraced everyone we'd have another 150,000 Nick Bergs.

well no shit, maybe if they didnt kill 11 thousand iraqi civilians first it would be a lil different, or maybe didnt invade their country...
Dec 25, 2003
You're right! Iraqis maimed and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans!

Wait...there were only 79 casualties in the Gulf War...

Iraq caused the murder of 3,000 Americans on 9...Wait, no they didn't...

Iraq is a major hotbed for terror! it is.
Sep 6, 2003
In the famous words of Malcolm X:

"If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us, and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country."


"If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary."
Mar 27, 2004
tadou said:
^^ Behold, the result of a 3rd greade education and a free account. (Can we get some screening goin on here, or what?)

This isn't about lone hippies sitting up in trees, in non-violent protests. This is about organized groups of militants hiding out in mosques, schools, hospitals and other non-combat areas, using civilians as sheilds, egging us on and daring us to shoot back. And when we do, misinformed people react exactly like they want them to: "well no shit, maybe if they didnt kill 11 thousand iraqi civilians first it would be a lil different, or maybe didnt invade their country..."

They're getting slaughtered over there....and we're slaughtering each other over here. The shit is disgusting.
are you as stupid as you come across? you are blaming iraqi fighters for fighting an invasion. Where should iraqi fighters be hiding out? should they be standing out in the open desert waiting for the invaders to shoot them? iraqi fighters dont have bombers to drop thousands of bombs on american soldiers from 10 miles up in the sky like the americans do so they are fighting urban warfare.
Mar 27, 2004
tadou said:
^^ There is a reason dont use human shields, schools, civilian houses, civilian clothing, civilian vehicles, holy buildings or city streets in wars--BECAUSE INNOCENT PEOPLE END UP GETTING KILLED. I am blaming Iraqi INSURGENTS for the great majority of these deaths becuase that is where the blame is to go. They cannot HONESTLY think they can stop the US Army without resorting to dirty tactics.

And tell me if i'm wrong....but are you ENDORSING URBAN WARFARE, STRAY BULLETS, POSSIBILITY OF FRIENDLY FIRE, ETC? And in the same breath, condemning Americans for killing civilians? Not the brightest bulb on the Xmas light string, are you?

For someone that told me I had a 3rd "Greade" education, I wouldnt be talking about intelligence if I were you.

How am I endorcing urban warfare and all that other shit? im endorcing resistance by any means, this isnt a conventional war like ww2, iraqi fighters dont have tanks, planes, bombers and so on. Tell me, how should the resistance fighters be fighting the americans? should they be standing out in the flat desert waiting for a bullet to the dome?????? You support an invasion of a country and then you bitch about the tactics of the resistance, thats fucking hilarious lol. Its their fucking country, they can hide where they want to hide and take over anywhere they want.
Mar 27, 2004
tadou said:
I'm not the one bitching, friend; you are the one saying that civilians are dying and its all our fault. The way to cut into a good 60% or more of those casualities, is for the resistance to move OUTSIDE urban cities, into RURAL areas, and AWAY from innocent people. Or at LEAST have the decency to tell people ahead of time that you're going to be fighting the Americans from their backyard...literally.

They're going to DIE anyways and they know already that....but why take other people with them? Simple: PROPAGANDA. And because they know ignorant conspiracy theorists and other extremists will immediately blame the US, instead of DIRTY fighters.

Answer me this, would there be any dead civilians if the US hadent invaded using false evidence? YES or NO, its a simple question.

and please dont give me the usual "if we hadent gone in, saddam would of killed them anyways" then you just sound like a 10 yr old.

All I expect is a Yes or NO
Mar 18, 2003
I don't think that would be funny. Just as I don't think it was funny when they found torture chambers and mass grave sites where thousands lay in the ground -- men, women, and children. At the end of your post, why did you say "and don't tell me Saddam would have killed them anyway". Saddam and his family (Qusay & Uday), and his regime, have killed *thousands* by way of torture, cold blooded murder, and even prison cleansing -- no I'm not talking about puting womens panties on male prisoners, I'm talking about slaughter halls and acid baths; hey, what are you to do when you're running out of prison space, build a new one? Don't be absurd.

It's like me saying, "name one time America has killed civilians, and don't tell me the U.S. military did it". Let's be real.
Dec 25, 2003
I'd like to see the Tally of: Terrorism and anti-US sentiment prewar versus Terrorism and US Sentiment Post War

tadou, havent you read the articles in the New Yorker, Time, People, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington post, etc.?

The entire "WMD program" we found out about was a faulty system in which scientists and engineers siphoned money from Saddam. They would tell him about a new weapon or possible technology, "brief" him on it in a presentation, and he would authorize the funds with little or no evidence that anything was actually being produced. His attitude about it was "let the scientists do their work". Saddam's "real" WMD arsenal, some serin gas and some other plinky fuckin munitions, was about .005% of what he thought he actually had. And 99.99% of what he did have was dismantled following the first gulf war.
Mar 27, 2004
tadou said:
I was going to humor you, but your whole question is faulty. Begging the question is about the lamest shit you can possibly do, and you probably don't even know you did it.

There was a great number of people in Iraq were starving...that is UNACCEPTABLE. The Oil for Food program was supposed to reduce that, but was NOT--money was being chopped off for computers, communication equipment, office furniture, a soccer stadium, et al--and that has been documented and a UN investigation is underway as we speak. (However, i will stop short of giving you the satisfaction of hearing me say that "even that would be enough to go to war", because i am still convinced WMD are still there, whether they have "Made in USA" on them or not.)

Saddam knew that his soldiers would be slaughtered if he didnt comply, and still, he refused. The guy seriously thinks he's going to be hailed as a hero for "standing up to the Americans", when really, all he did was create thousands of widows and tens of thousands of orphans.

Sometimes people die...sometimes people get killed. The only thing that matters is that you are dead. Starvation isn't murder, but War is? Come on now.

The ONLY tally i'm interested in seeing is, Iraqi Prisoners & Starvation deaths pre-war vs Iraqi civilian incidental deaths post war.
You arent that bright are ya....

read this chomsky interview by the bbc

Jeremy Paxman met him at the British Museum, where they talked in the Assyrian Galleries. He asked him whether he was suggesting there was nothing new in the so-called Bush Doctrine.

Well, it depends. It is recognised to be revolutionary. Henry Kissinger for example described it as a revolutionary new doctrine which tears to shreds the Westphalian System, the 17th century system of International Order and of course the UN Charter. But nevertheless, and has been very widely criticised within the foreign policy elite. But on narrow ground the doctrine is not really new, it's extreme.

What was the United States supposed to do after 9/11? It had been the victim of a grotesque, intentional attack, what was it supposed to do but try...?

Why pick 9/11? Why not pick 1993. Actually the fact that the terrorist act succeeded in September 11th did not alter the risk analysis. In 1993, similar groups, US trained Jihadi's came very close to blowing up the World Trade Center, with better planning, they probably would have killed tens of thousands of people. Since then it was known that this is very likely. In fact right through the 90's there was technical literature predicting it, and we know what to do. What you do is police work. Police work is the way to stop terrorist acts and it succeeded.

But you are suggesting the United States in that sense is the author of Its own Nemesis.

Well, first of all this is not my opinion. It's the opinion of just about every specialist on terrorism. Take a look, say at Jason Burke's recent book on Al-Qaeda which is just the best book there is. What he points out is, he runs through the record of how each act of violence has increased recruitment financing mobilisation, what he says is, I'm quoting him, that each act of violence is a small victory for Bin Laden.

But why do you imagine George Bush behaves like this?

Because I don't think they care that much about terror, in fact we know that. Take say the invasion of Iraq, it was predicted by just about every specialist by intelligence agencies that the invasion of Iraq would increase the threat of Al-Qaeda style terror which is exactly what happened. The point is that...

Then why would he do it?

Because invading Iraq has value in Itself, I mean establishing...

Well what value?

What value? Establishing the first secure military base in a dependant client state at the heart of the energy producing region of the world.

Don't you even think that the people of Iraq are better off having got rid of a dictator?

That, they got rid of two brutal regimes, one that we are supposed to talk about, the other one we are not suppose to talk about. The two brutal regimes were Saddam Hussein's and the US-British sanctions, which were devastating society, had killed hundreds of thousands of people, were forcing people to be reliant on Saddam Hussein. Now the sanctions could obviously have been turned to weapons rather than destroying society without an invasion. If that had happened it is not at all impossible that the people of Iraq would have sent Saddam Hussein the same way to the same fate as other monsters supported by the US and Britain. Ceausescu, Suharto, Duvalier, Marcos, there's a long list of them. In fact the people, the westerners who know Iraq best were predicting this all along.
You seem to be suggesting or implying, perhaps I'm being unfair to you, but you seem to be implying there is some equivalence between democratically elected heads of state like George Bush or Prime Ministers like Tony Blair and regimes in places like Iraq.

The term moral equivalence is an interesting one, it was invented I think by Jeane Kirkpatrick as a method of trying to prevent criticism of foreign policy and state decisions. It has a meaning less notion, there is no moral equivalence what so ever.

Is it a good thing if it is preferable for an individual to live in a liberal democracy, is there benefit to be gained by spreading the values of that democracy however you can?

That reminds me of the question that Ghandi was once asked about western civilisation, what did he think of it. He said yeah, it would be a good idea. In fact it would be a good idea to spread the values of liberal democracy, but that I would be a good idea to spread the values of liberal democracy. But that's not what the US and Britain are trying to do, it's not what they've done in the past, I mean take a look at the regions under their domination. They don't spread liberal democracy. What they spread is dependence and subordination. Furthermore its well- known there is a large part of the reason for the reason the great opposition to the US policy within the Middle East. In fact this was known in the 1950's.

But there is a whole slur of countries in eastern Europe right now that would say we are better off now than we were when we were living under the Soviet Empire. As a consequence of how the west behaved.

Well, and there is a lot of countries in US domains, like Central America, the Caribbean who wish that they could be free of American domination. We don't pay much attention to what happens there but they do. In the 1980s when the current incumbents were in their Reganite phase. Hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered in Central America. The US carried out a massive terrorist attack against Nicaragua, mainly as a war on the church. They assassinated an Archbishop and murdered six leading Jesuit intellectuals. This is in El Salvador. It was a monstrous period. What did they impose? Was it liberal democracies? No.

You've mentioned on two or three occasions this relationship between the United States and Britain. Do you understand why Tony Blair behaved as he did over Afghanistan and Iraq?

Well, if you look at the British diplomatic history, back in the 1940s, Britain had to make a decision. Britain had been the major world power, the United States though by far the richest country in the world was not a major actor in the global scene, except regionally. By the Second World War it was obvious the US was going to be the dominant power, everyone knew that. Britain had to make a choice. Was it going to be part of what would ultimately be a Europe that might move towards independence, or would it be what the Foreign Office called a junior partner to the United States? Well it essentially made that choice to be a junior partner to the United States. US, the leaders have no illusions about this. So during the Cuban missile crisis for example, you look at the declassified record, they treated Britain with total contempt. Harold McMillan wasn't even informed of what was going on and Britain's existence was at stake. It was dangerous. One high official, probably Dean Atchers and he's not identified, described Britain as in his words "Our lieutenant, the fashionable word is partner". Well the British would like to hear the fashionable word, but the masters use the actual word. Those are choices Britain has to make. I mean why Blair decided, I couldn't say.

Noam Chomsky, thank you.
Dec 25, 2003
Yea, I believe them. I do think there are people out there who undertake actual journalism. I don't write off everything as "liberal bias" or "hearsay" if it doesn't gel with what I believe. That's a definite tadou move, and a conservative hallmark.

"Well the Washington Post said in '02 that Saddam had WMD! What's that, they changed their story? Well they're full of liberal bias anyways! The UN said Saddam has violated several mandates and regulations. What's that? Israel has violated more? Well, they appointed Libya to head the Human Rights Commission! Fuck the UN!"

And so on and so on, until only Hannity & Colmes and Fox News is reputable.
Mar 27, 2004
tadou said:
I dont need to read ANY interviews you lazy bastard. Read that shit yourself and paraphrase the parts you wish to discuss. Dont just slap down 15 paragraphs and say "there, thats why you're wrong" makes you look PATHETIC.

So you believe all those articles at face value, or what?

I'm not talking about heresay or opinions. I'm talking about estimates for how many people died as a result of Saddam's dictatorship vs how many have died incidentally as a result of the invasion.

im lazy???????? does reading give u headaches or something hahahha whats up with retards nowadays, i put the important shit on bold if that helps your small mind.
Dec 25, 2003
So what if I accept a story at face value? You're guilty of the exact same thing, accepting at face value that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction", a claim that is even less substantiable than the one that Iraq's "WMD" program was a farce and a front for reallocation of government grants.

Clinton? Disreputable. The UN? Forced into action by the sheer size and power of America John Kerry? Who gives a fuck. What the fuck does Kerry know about the Middle East? All of Congress? A pandering, special-interest serving, big business-serving, gallop-poll analyzing gaggle of phony do-gooders. None of these people's opinions on weapons of mass destruction really phase me.

The UN has been demonstrated to be a somewhat optional thing when the US is set against it. Congress, Kerry, Clinton, fakes, politicians. Liars.
Mar 27, 2004
tadou said:
Not my problem.

During any normal debate, instead of talking do people normally hand each other [highlighted] transcripts or play video presentations, and ask their opponent how they respond? ...NO. So get it together.
who says this is a normal debate??? we are reading each others posts from a bay area rap forum, dont mistake this for a real debate.