Is there a video for I'ma Tell? If there is, does MTV have it?
What I'm gettin at is we need to organize big email & message board blitz and get Tech voted onto TRL at #1. I know I know its gay ass MTV but that is MAJOR exposure. If there isn't a vid for I'ma Tell yet we can always do Slacker.
These things work, Vanilla Ice and New Kids on the Block all got voted onto the countdown recently.
If we get a shitload of people together and vote on the same day, it will work.
Lemme know what ya'll think
Is there a video for I'ma Tell? If there is, does MTV have it?
What I'm gettin at is we need to organize big email & message board blitz and get Tech voted onto TRL at #1. I know I know its gay ass MTV but that is MAJOR exposure. If there isn't a vid for I'ma Tell yet we can always do Slacker.
These things work, Vanilla Ice and New Kids on the Block all got voted onto the countdown recently.
If we get a shitload of people together and vote on the same day, it will work.
Lemme know what ya'll think