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May 13, 2002
well this is rally unnot my thing to talk about but i am going to talk anyway . i probly started geting in to porn lust and all that when i was 13. i was in it tell probly 6 months ago and i have a promise to my self god and my best friens that i wont ever go back and sence i have stoped and what really got my to stop lusting is the unpurity of it all
if you have done it you know what im talking about it is an addiction a big and bad one as bad as drugs
but this wont just be that it will work in your everyday life as fare as if you see a girl that is hott and your just looking over her that is fine but when you start getting the thouhg "hmm man i wouldnt mind a piece of that girl " that is when you have gone way too fare
now that ive been clean as far as mintaly for 6 mounths and 1 week ago my friend asked me would i have sex with her i said no
she said well can igive you a job i said no

she said why do i waste my time with you
i said ruth if you wanted to leave me you could have a long time ago she asked my why i do things the way i do as fare as the no sexuallity i told her the trueth i had an adiiction to porn and she laft i kept a strait face and i never have a strate face i said i know it isnt much to you but i think of it like this i asked her for a piece of gum she gave me it and i split it in half gave her her half and we chewed them and i took mine out and she did too i said do you want my half she said no i said i dont want yours too the gum represence you verginity mentaly and phiscily i said these were new now there used do you want a man that has had sex with outher girls or do you want a man that is stillfresh and new i told her i under stand that people make mustakes but it goes like thisi dont want a girl that has had sex with outher men all the time for all i know she could be compareing me to some one else and i dont want that
Wow. I think I brained my damage after reading that shit.
May 16, 2004
he sounds like that pussy character from that movie by the south park cats called "Orgazmo" where the pussy from Fuck Utah turns from a faggy mormon to a porn actor.
Aug 20, 2004
moonpizzle said:
he sounds like that pussy character from that movie by the south park cats called "Orgazmo" where the pussy from Fuck Utah turns from a faggy mormon to a porn actor.
Luv that movie...a special edition of it is comin out soon...im all over it...