I'm 32 and been in love with hiphop since 85 and with a record collection reflecting that. I wouldn't trade this life long relationship with being younger. Us old grumpy fellas are the ones that actually experienced the most important eras of hiphop. We don't need to read about it and buy every single record off ebay because we were there when it happened and bought the records when they were released. It's a big difference between actually experiencing Straight outta Compton when it dropped and listening to it for the first time now as a curiosity and historically important record. using SOC as an example I don't think youngsters nowadays know how important that record was and how much noise it actually made. the same for As Nasty as they wanna be, it takes a nation etc.
congrats on your birthday bro. Stay up and bring hiphop with you for the next 50 years.