If You're Brown, You're Goin Down!

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May 13, 2002
50 points to who correctly posts the name of the preson who said the following...

"But all that aside, let me tell you what I liked about that Gulf War: it was
the first war that appeared on every television channel, including cable.

And even though the TV show consisted largely of Pentagon war criminals
displaying maps and charts, it got very good ratings. And that makes sense,
because we like war. We're a warlike people. We can't stand not to be
fucking with someone. We couldn't wait for the Cold War to end so we could
climb into the big Arab sandbox and play with our nice new toys. We enjoy

And one reason we enjoy it is that we're good at it. You know why we're good
at it? Because we get alot of practice. This country is only 200 years old,
and already we've had ten major wars. We average a major war every twenty
years, So we're good at it!

And it's just as well we are, because we're not very good at anything else.
Can't build a decent car anymore. Can't make a TV set, a cell phone, or a
VCR. Got no steel industry left. No textiles. Can't educate our young
people. Can't get health care to our old people. But we can bomb the shit
outta your country, all right. We can bomb the shit outta your country!

If You're Brown, You're Goin Down

Especially if your country is full of brown people. Oh, we like that, don't
we? That's our hobby now. But it's also our new job in the world: bombing
brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya. You got some brown people in
your country? Tell 'em to watch the fuck out, or we'll goddamn bomb them!

Well, who were the last white people you can remember that we bombed? In
fact, can you remember any white people we ever bombed? The Germans! That's
it! Those are the only ones. And that was only because they were tryin' to
cut in on our action. They wanted to dominate the world.

Bullshit! That's our job. That's our fuckin' job."
Feb 9, 2003
George Carlin aka the cock sucking hitchhiker from Dogma. Single handedly revolutionized hitchiking for potheads.

Edit: i type too slow.
May 13, 2002
Wow, that was fast. It looks like it a tie!

We are going to sudden death...

Commando vs. NEFAR


We are gathered here today, On this sorrowful occasion, To say goodbye to the
dearly departed, In other words the nigga dead.

Whether or not you can survive
death, thats the ultimate test for your ass ain't it? So far don't nobody we
know has passed the ultimate test. Least of all this nigga layin here. Cuz this
boy wasn't shit, I'm gonna tell you that right off. I saw him kickin his moma's
ass over ther on 47th street. And if you think we gonna burry you with those
diamonds and shit on you got another thing comin.

I'd like to introduce the
boys woman, Ho, bitch, I dunno what she was. she's layin over ther in the booth.
Say girl. What you doin? Well dont sell your pussy in here. If you do I wanna
cut. shit. Yo fault the nigga dead.
May 13, 2002
We've got ourselves a winner!!!!

Congradulations Jomodo, you've one yourself 25 siccness points.

Here is your bonus question...(This one should be easy)

You ever noticed how people who believe in creationism look really unevolved? Ya ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet.

"I believe God created me in one day"

Yeah, looks liked He rushed it.
Feb 9, 2003
Richard Pryor.
EDIT: Damn I type slow!

P.S The thing that gets me about the next question is the irony in his physical looks and name: Bill Hicks.