the worm virus...changes the header of an E-MAIL to look like it comes from someone you know...
in's coming from SOMEONE YOU DON"T KNOW...the virus is just changing form so you think it's from a friend
i'll never send y'all an Attatchment...and i just did a virus check...i have don't ain't gon affect your comp
just know if you see an e-mail with an attachment from me...and prolly other people you know...leave that shit alone!!!
norton scan every attatchment before opening...
in's coming from SOMEONE YOU DON"T KNOW...the virus is just changing form so you think it's from a friend
i'll never send y'all an Attatchment...and i just did a virus check...i have don't ain't gon affect your comp
just know if you see an e-mail with an attachment from me...and prolly other people you know...leave that shit alone!!!
norton scan every attatchment before opening...