If you could make/produce a movie and have total control...

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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Great thread. I was just thinking of this concept this afternoon and painting my own film in my head.

Genre: Dark Comedy/murder mystery

Director: Sam Mendes(Road to Perdition)

Leading cast:
Parker Posey - female lead
Clifton Collins, Jr. - male lead
Stephen Tobolowsky - male supporting role
Donal Logue - small, pivotal role
Eugene Levy - father figure
Bridget Moynahan - love interest


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
I would fund whatever the fuck Alejandro Jodorowsky wanted to finally get made.

blacklisted director is blacklisted
Apr 2, 2010
Great thread indeed, I never thought of a full story but I know the direction I would take it and have some visually stunning scenes painted in my head.

Genre: Drama/Horror/Thriller (A darker Silent Hill styled approach)

Director: Me

Male lead: Me, Scott Adkins, or Sean Bean
Female lead: Keira Knightley (or someone who just looks like her)
------- <---Wouldn't be at this point unless I was actually making the film, same with the full story lmao
May 13, 2002
Great thread. I was just thinking of this concept this afternoon and painting my own film in my head.

Genre: Dark Comedy/murder mystery

Director: Sam Mendes(Road to Perdition)

Leading cast:
Parker Posey - female lead
Clifton Collins, Jr. - male lead
Stephen Tobolowsky - male supporting role
Donal Logue - small, pivotal role
Eugene Levy - father figure
Bridget Moynahan - love interest
what would the story/plot be?
Oct 30, 2002
a movie about the Chinese setting up shop in cali and the vikings setting up shop in the east coast / canada region where the migrate towards nebraska and fight it out pre pre Columbus after the ice age. nothing but tiddies and violence rape and carnage ... muthafuckas riding buffalo and taming big ass mountain lions and shit.focus on their training ,cultures and making life in a new land.. figting for survival..

i literally just came up with this
Mar 13, 2007
I would make an animated movie with political or historical references, symbols, and undertones but a la Animal Farm or Avatar so kids can watch it because its cartoons and adults can watch it because they understand the symbolism and personifications of characters.
Jul 27, 2009
alright let me make some shit up and see how it comes out

Genre: Crime Drama
Director: Michael Mann
Viggo Mortensen: main character
Steve Buscemi: Antonagist
Marissa Tomei: Love Interest
Jesse Eisenberg: Supporting Actor
Sam Rockwell: another Antonagist

Story. Viggo's character is a Hitman who's worked for Steve Buscemi all his life. he's been hooker Marissa Tomei's customer for years now ever since his girl left him with his kid, and they're like best freinds. Jesse Eisenberg is a witness to a murder of a state senator and Buscemi has Viggo track him down and get rid of him. turns out that it is his son so he protects him and the rest of the story is Buscemi hiring Sam Rockwell, a young but dangerous hitman, to take out Viggo and Eisenberg, and Tomei comes along for the ride somehow.
May 6, 2002
Serious reply.

I'd make a 4 hour 2 DVD set porno with famous actresses like Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Selena Gomez, Hally Berry etc.

Just big named actresses.
It would be the easiest to produce and the easiest to market.
Major cash, and quick too. In and out.

Writing a script, casting, edits, advertising, etc.
Way too much work for the same or less result, revenue wise...


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
what would the story/plot be?
This is definitely Tl;dr. post, but I think it's dope, so please read.

Albuquerque, New Mexico - 1972 - New Years Eve

A town sheriff(Donal Logue) dies mysteriously after checking out a distress call at a medical facility. Autopsy reports come back inconclusive, though it's apparent he's been mauled and it appears the documents have been tampered with, so state-appointed FBI agents(Clifton Collins, Jr. and Parker Posey) are sent in to investigate the facility. There, they meet a hot nurse(Bridget Moynahan) who believes there are experiments being ran in the basement of the facility that involve alien life forms from outer space. The Sheriff's father(Eugene Levy) believes his son was murdered by Bigfoot, but the town's people think he's lost his mind due to the shock of his son dying.

The town conspiracy theorist(Stephen Tobolowsky) is under the impression the black mountains in Albuquerque actually house a facility adjacent to the medical facility and that the DNA testing is a covert modifications base for Area 51, and that the main focus of DNA testing is between humans and apes.

The relationship between partners becomes strained when Posey's character learns that Collins character is a perv and had hidden a camera in her shower at their motel, but she can't whistle blow because she's at risk of losing her job as she had a Menaja Trois with Collins wife and their supervisor at the Christmas party and is also still shacking up with the President due to their former relationship in college at Morehead.

Collins has sex with Moynahan to settle his desire to kill both his wife and partner, but finds out in the middle of their romp that she's the doctor who's been mixing human and primate DNA together and Logue wasn't checking out a distress call, rather a booty call, and the Bigfoot/man creature was actually Moynahan's lab partner/fuck buddy, he killed Logue in a fit of monkey fury, she accessed the autopsy report before it was released and omitted the cause of death which was, according to the coroner(James Earl Jones), "mauled to death by unknown primate species".

What Moynahan doesn't know is that Collins character is actually a sleeper for the government working at Area 51 and his actual mission is to kill Posey for corrupting New Mexico's FBI unit and having relations with the Pres that could lead to info being passed along that the Pres shouldn't have(Shadow government tie-in), Moynahan because she's been utilizing secret funding to try and correct her fuck buddy's male pattern baldness which led to his Bigfoot-like alteration, and Tobolowsky for knowing way too much.

Collins does the deeds, but what he doesn't know is Jones is actually a spy working for an unknown client and before Moynahan tampered with the autopsy, he had, in fear of his own death in the wake of finding proof of Bigfoot, already sent a copy of the autopsy to mass media outlets around the U.S.

I, L.D.S., hold the rights to this story.
Apr 25, 2002
I'm assuming for directors and actors it would have to be someone still alive? (otherwise Kubrick for sure as Director)

Title: Paradise Lost
Genre: Religious, Epic, Drama, Adventure
Based On: John Milton's Paradise Lost
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki
Costume Design: Julie Taymor

Angel Lucifer: Leonardo DiCaprio
Satan the fallen: Keith Richards
Angel Michael: Brad Pit
Angel Raphael: Idris Elba
Angel Abdiel: Dominic West
Angel Uriel: Chow Yun-fat
Angel Gabriel: Edgar Ramirez
Deamon Beelzebub: Christopher Walken
Deamon Mammon: Willem Dafoe
Deamon Belial: Dwight Yoakam
Deamon Moloch: Gary Oldman
Adam: Some unknown
Eve: Kerry Washington
The Son of God: Some unknown
Sin: Christina Hendricks
Death: Doug Jones

Plot Overview: (The majority of the story will take place not on earth, but in Hell and Heaven. The parts in the garden will be short and only serve as support for the plot of the war between heaven and hell)

M ilton&#8217;s speaker begins Paradise Lost by stating that his subject will be Adam and Eve&#8217;s disobedience and fall from grace. He invokes a heavenly muse and asks for help in relating his ambitious story and God&#8217;s plan for humankind. The action begins with Satan and his fellow rebel angels who are found chained to a lake of fire in Hell. They quickly free themselves and fly to land, where they discover minerals and construct Pandemonium, which will be their meeting place. Inside Pandemonium, the rebel angels, who are now devils, debate whether they should begin another war with God. Beezelbub suggests that they attempt to corrupt God&#8217;s beloved new creation, humankind. Satan agrees, and volunteers to go himself. As he prepares to leave Hell, he is met at the gates by his children, Sin and Death, who follow him and build a bridge between Hell and Earth.

In Heaven, God orders the angels together for a council of their own. He tells them of Satan&#8217;s intentions, and the Son volunteers himself to make the sacrifice for humankind. Meanwhile, Satan travels through Night and Chaos and finds Earth. He disguises himself as a cherub to get past the Archangel Uriel, who stands guard at the sun. He tells Uriel that he wishes to see and praise God&#8217;s glorious creation, and Uriel assents. Satan then lands on Earth and takes a moment to reflect. Seeing the splendor of Paradise brings him pain rather than pleasure. He reaffirms his decision to make evil his good, and continue to commit crimes against God. Satan leaps over Paradise&#8217;s wall, takes the form of a cormorant (a large bird), and perches himself atop the Tree of Life. Looking down at Satan from his post, Uriel notices the volatile emotions reflected in the face of this so-called cherub and warns the other angels that an impostor is in their midst. The other angels agree to search the Garden for intruders.

Meanwhile, Adam and Eve tend the Garden, carefully obeying God&#8217;s supreme order not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. After a long day of work, they return to their bower and rest. There, Satan takes the form of a toad and whispers into Eve&#8217;s ear. Gabriel, the angel set to guard Paradise, finds Satan there and orders him to leave. Satan prepares to battle Gabriel, but God makes a sign appear in the sky&#8212;the golden scales of justice&#8212;and Satan scurries away. Eve awakes and tells Adam about a dream she had, in which an angel tempted her to eat from the forbidden tree. Worried about his creation, God sends Raphael down to Earth to teach Adam and Eve of the dangers they face with Satan.

Raphael arrives on Earth and eats a meal with Adam and Eve. Raphael relates the story of Satan&#8217;s envy over the Son&#8217;s appointment as God&#8217;s second-in-command. Satan gathered other angels together who were also angry to hear this news, and together they plotted a war against God. Abdiel decides not to join Satan&#8217;s army and returns to God. The angels then begin to fight, with Michael and Gabriel serving as co-leaders for Heaven&#8217;s army. The battle lasts two days, when God sends the Son to end the war and deliver Satan and his rebel angels to Hell. Raphael tells Adam about Satan&#8217;s evil motives to corrupt them, and warns Adam to watch out for Satan. Adam asks Raphael to tell him the story of creation. Raphael tells Adam that God sent the Son into Chaos to create the universe. He created the earth and stars and other planets. Curious, Adam asks Raphael about the movement of the stars and planets. Eve retires, allowing Raphael and Adam to speak alone. Raphael promptly warns Adam about his seemingly unquenchable search for knowledge. Raphael tells Adam that he will learn all he needs to know, and that any other knowledge is not meant for humans to comprehend. Adam tells Raphael about his first memories, of waking up and wondering who he was, what he was, and where he was. Adam says that God spoke to him and told him many things, including his order not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. After the story, Adam confesses to Raphael his intense physical attraction to Eve. Raphael reminds Adam that he must love Eve more purely and spiritually. With this final bit of advice, Raphael leaves Earth and returns to Heaven.

Eight days after his banishment, Satan returns to Paradise. After closely studying the animals of Paradise, he chooses to take the form of the serpent. Meanwhile, Eve suggests to Adam that they work separately for awhile, so they can get more work done. Adam is hesitant but then assents. Satan searches for Eve and is delighted to find her alone. In the form of a serpent, he talks to Eve and compliments her on her beauty and godliness. She is amazed to find an animal that can speak. She asks how he learned to speak, and he tells her that it was by eating from the Tree of Knowledge. He tells Eve that God actually wants her and Adam to eat from the tree, and that his order is merely a test of their courage. She is hesitant at first but then reaches for a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and eats. She becomes distraught and searches for Adam. Adam has been busy making a wreath of flowers for Eve. When Eve finds Adam, he drops the wreath and is horrified to find that Eve has eaten from the forbidden tree. Knowing that she has fallen, he decides that he would rather be fallen with her than remain pure and lose her. So he eats from the fruit as well. Adam looks at Eve in a new way, and together they turn to lust.

God immediately knows of their disobedience. He tells the angels in Heaven that Adam and Eve must be punished, but with a display of both justice and mercy. He sends the Son to give out the punishments. The Son first punishes the serpent whose body Satan took, and condemns it never to walk upright again. Then the Son tells Adam and Eve that they must now suffer pain and death. Eve and all women must suffer the pain of childbirth and must submit to their husbands, and Adam and all men must hunt and grow their own food on a depleted Earth. Meanwhile, Satan returns to Hell where he is greeted with cheers. He speaks to the devils in Pandemonium, and everyone believes that he has beaten God. Sin and Death travel the bridge they built on their way to Earth. Shortly thereafter, the devils unwillingly transform into snakes and try to reach fruit from imaginary trees that shrivel and turn to dust as they reach them.

God tells the angels to transform the Earth. After the fall, humankind must suffer hot and cold seasons instead of the consistent temperatures before the fall. On Earth, Adam and Eve fear their approaching doom. They blame each other for their disobedience and become increasingly angry at one another. In a fit of rage, Adam wonders why God ever created Eve. Eve begs Adam not to abandon her. She tells him that they can survive by loving each other. She accepts the blame because she has disobeyed both God and Adam. She ponders suicide. Adam, moved by her speech, forbids her from taking her own life. He remembers their punishment and believes that they can enact revenge on Satan by remaining obedient to God. Together they pray to God and repent.

God hears their prayers, and sends Michael down to Earth. Michael arrives on Earth, and tells them that they must leave Paradise. But before they leave, Michael puts Eve to sleep and takes Adam up onto the highest hill, where he shows him a vision of humankind&#8217;s future. Adam sees the sins of his children, and his children&#8217;s children, and his first vision of death. Horrified, he asks Michael if there is any alternative to death. Generations to follow continue to sin by lust, greed, envy, and pride. They kill each other selfishly and live only for pleasure. Then Michael shows him the vision of Enoch, who is saved by God as his warring peers attempt to kill him. Adam also sees the story of Noah and his family, whose virtue allows them to be chosen to survive the flood that kills all other humans. Adam feels remorse for death and happiness for humankind&#8217;s redemption. Next is the vision of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. This story explains the perversion of pure language into the many languages that are spoken on Earth today. Adam sees the triumph of Moses and the Israelites, and then glimpses the Son&#8217;s sacrifice to save humankind. After this vision, it is time for Adam and Eve to leave Paradise. Eve awakes and tells Adam that she had a very interesting and educating dream. Led by Michael, Adam and Eve slowly and woefully leave Paradise hand in hand into a new world.
Apr 25, 2002
Title: Untitled Western
Genre: Western, Epic, Drama
Director: Terrence Malick
Cinematography: Roger Deakins

Cast (old timers go unnamed in the film):

Grumpy - Bruce Dern
Doc - Harry Dean Stanton
Dopey - Donald Sutherland
Bashful - Sam Elliott
Happy - Robert Duvall
Sleepy - Kris Kristofferson
Antagonist - Timothy Olyphant

Fed up with encroaching modernity six old cowboys fight back to defend their outdated way of life. Should be very heavy on scenery and should really pull at the heart strings as these guys fight a losing battle, one they know they can't win deep down, but try for anyway because it is all they know.

*spoiler* they all die by the unhappy end


triple og from the sbp
Sep 1, 2005
I wanna write a comedy about a group of bullys who make fun of all the nerds in high-school and then they all end up living with their parents in their 30s and the nerds all end up successful but they still rip on them cuz they're still nerds.

I also wanna write a zombie movie where the people run out of food and put their cat in the slo cooker lol


Feb 16, 2008
Sacramento, CA
alright let me make some shit up and see how it comes out

Genre: Crime Drama
Director: Michael Mann
Viggo Mortensen: main character
Steve Buscemi: Antonagist
Marissa Tomei: Love Interest
Jesse Eisenberg: Supporting Actor
Sam Rockwell: another Antonagist

Story. Viggo's character is a Hitman who's worked for Steve Buscemi all his life. he's been hooker Marissa Tomei's customer for years now ever since his girl left him with his kid, and they're like best freinds. Jesse Eisenberg is a witness to a murder of a state senator and Buscemi has Viggo track him down and get rid of him. turns out that it is his son so he protects him and the rest of the story is Buscemi hiring Sam Rockwell, a young but dangerous hitman, to take out Viggo and Eisenberg, and Tomei comes along for the ride somehow.
cool 1. that would be like your idea = Lucky Number Slevin + The Wrestler + A History of Violence


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
The Alps

Genre: Realistic Action/Epic/Historical/Ancient Rome

It would be set in ancient rome around the time of hannibal and scipio africanus, epic fucking battles with hundreds of thousands of extras, no cgi and epic fucking violence like rambo (2008) also good story backbone like the series Rome. It would focus before and after and during the time Hannibals epic strategy. He wanted to do something never done before, attacking Rome in its heartland by taking his massive army (including Elephants) through the Alps where the Romans never expected it.



Scipio Africanus(hero): Micheal Fassbender
Hannibal (antagonist hero): Johnny Depp
Gaius Terentius Varro (sacrificial lamb): Eric Bana
Lucius Aemilius Paullus(evil villian): Steven Berkoff
Love interests: Catherine Zeta Jones & Eva Mendes

would be the most expensive movie ever made
Oct 30, 2002
a movie about the Chinese setting up shop in cali and the vikings setting up shop in the east coast / canada region where the migrate towards nebraska and fight it out pre pre Columbus after the ice age. nothing but tiddies and violence rape and carnage ... muthafuckas riding buffalo and taming big ass mountain lions and shit.focus on their training ,cultures and making life in a new land.. fighting for survival..

i literally just came up with this

edit: after the final big battle both sides lost to much to gain a dominant postion and retreat to their respective sides and leave north america
and the native americans begin to flourish and live in more harmony with the land
director: guy ritchie

Vikings- Mickey Rouke (Leader), Chris Hemsworth (noble viking) Dolf Lundgren (lieutenant), Brock Lesnar (bas ass)

Chinese- Bolo Yueng (Leader) , Jet Li (lieutenant), Ernie Reyes Jr (bad seed/black sheep), Cung Le (bad ass)

Narrator: Micheal Clarke Duncan

there will not be a whole lot of dialoge mainly narroration. Kinda like CONAN THE BARBARIAN