if the dali lama died...

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May 2, 2002
would he be getting as much press as the pope? I just went to espn to escape all this pope shit, and what did I see? "Pope was a Sportsman". WTF?!


Apt3/DNA Mobfather
Nov 14, 2003
Buddhist Monks are giving 5 things in life. . A robe, a bowl, a razor, neddle ( for his robe) and his book on boddhisatva ( buddha) Buddha was a prince who seen the suffering of man and choose this path He choose to teach that we are all one and we are connected in a Oneness. This is a a path I wish i could choose to take although i try. Any man, woman, child with, is a being of one! We all make up a whole which is god and we are all connected! a book, a pumpkin, a rock, a human, a star, a disease are all part of a one(GOD) and everything has a purpose to make sure there is a balance. This balance is the truth and a way! There is an eightfold path to nirvana ( Buddhist Heaven) some of us are older souls than others and can understand this . Others have problems seeing that there is a balance in life! The POPE to me was for souls, learning to become spiritual and also fulfilled somewhat an integral part of GOD. He taught, he preached and he served his purpose! There will be another pope who man sees fit to appoint! The Dalai Lama Is not chosen by man but actually is the reincarnate of Buddha himself! Buddha is chosen by his unselfishness, kindness, and sight usually before 10 years old , The last one took 200 years before he was considered by many priests as a child that he was a dalai lama this dalai lama elicitd many traits that were so humble and self sacrificing as a child he was a teacher of peace at 4 yrs old! Buddhism is not a religion but more of a philosophy where we see that life has a balance and we must find ours! For every child killed horribly, there is a child born into peace! There is a ALWAYS a balance! I wish i could write all night but i cant and i wish, although i don't think it's nearly enough, that i could teach more of the nature and teachings of buddha! But I believe the Pope is going to ascertain the glory but the truth will shine and show that ALL RELIGIONS are GREAT! That was written by buddha in the 1500's There is no wrong in belief just experience!
Jul 10, 2002
bigantdna3 said:
Buddhist Monks are giving 5 things in life. . A robe, a bowl, a razor, neddle ( for his robe) and his book on boddhisatva ( buddha) Buddha was a prince who seen the suffering of man and choose this path He choose to teach that we are all one and we are connected in a Oneness. This is a a path I wish i could choose to take although i try. Any man, woman, child with, is a being of one! We all make up a whole which is god and we are all connected! a book, a pumpkin, a rock, a human, a star, a disease are all part of a one(GOD) and everything has a purpose to make sure there is a balance. This balance is the truth and a way! There is an eightfold path to nirvana ( Buddhist Heaven) some of us are older souls than others and can understand this . Others have problems seeing that there is a balance in life! The POPE to me was for souls, learning to become spiritual and also fulfilled somewhat an integral part of GOD. He taught, he preached and he served his purpose! There will be another pope who man sees fit to appoint! The Dalai Lama Is not chosen by man but actually is the reincarnate of Buddha himself! Buddha is chosen by his unselfishness, kindness, and sight usually before 10 years old , The last one took 200 years before he was considered by many priests as a child that he was a dalai lama this dalai lama elicitd many traits that were so humble and self sacrificing as a child he was a teacher of peace at 4 yrs old! Buddhism is not a religion but more of a philosophy where we see that life has a balance and we must find ours! For every child killed horribly, there is a child born into peace! There is a ALWAYS a balance! I wish i could write all night but i cant and i wish, although i don't think it's nearly enough, that i could teach more of the nature and teachings of buddha! But I believe the Pope is going to ascertain the glory but the truth will shine and show that ALL RELIGIONS are GREAT! That was written by buddha in the 1500's There is no wrong in belief just experience!

well put...