Idea's for the board. (obviously not a flow)

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Aug 8, 2003
Ive been thinking about making a seperate page that acts like a scoreboard of sorts. Gather every one who flowz on here and give them a score. Flowz and tournaments will still be conducted in here but we can at least have a place to see who has been choppin people up lyrically. If my memory serves correct, this will be the first time something like this has been done. The only problem i for-see are lack of participants (which can easily been fixed) and people claiming they lost due to nut-riding. Thats why i wanna see if i can get an actual artist on here or someone with a non-biased view to act as a judge or maybe a panel of judges....feel free to add on ideas..
Apr 25, 2002
TROLL said:
Ive been thinking about making a seperate page that acts like a scoreboard of sorts. Gather every one who flowz on here and give them a score. Flowz and tournaments will still be conducted in here but we can at least have a place to see who has been choppin people up lyrically.
That sounds good, but I don't see the reason to have a whole new forum to do that. Please elaborate so I get a better idea of what you have planned.

TROLL said:
If my memory serves correct, this will be the first time something like this has been done.
Not exactly.... We had a "League Flows" forum, which is still up by the way (just hidden), in which the participants acted like a pro football franchise.... Two Conferences drafted participants and made a weekly schedule of who battled who (like the NFL schedule), and W's and L's were kept on track until the last week, and once the schedule was completed the Playoffs began. From there it was just like a regular tourny, you lose you're out, you win you advance until we got our Champion (which was seak). I went undefeated for the whole season and finally lost in the Championship round, and I had beat seak during the season too. Aint that a bitch? LOL. Anyway, I was thinking of bringing that forum and the League back once this forum gets poppin again.

TROLL said:
The only problem i for-see are lack of participants (which can easily been fixed) and people claiming they lost due to nut-riding. Thats why i wanna see if i can get an actual artist on here or someone with a non-biased view to act as a judge or maybe a panel of judges....feel free to add on ideas..
The panel of judges sounds good, but the thing is, everyone gets hurt when they don't get the vote and they start crying and saying the judge is hating. Another thing is some people just flat out don't know how to judge a battle. If this did go down I'd want some of the vets to judge battles (like Stealth or Dvious, people who can be unbiased even though they know or interract with one or both of the participants). Dvious was in my crew and voted against me many many times LOL. As for the artist judging battles, bad idea. That will cause friction. Most artists on here are not battle rappers to begin with, therefor they probably don't know exactly how to judge a battle.
Aug 8, 2003
That sounds good, but I don't see the reason to have a whole new forum to do that. Please elaborate so I get a better idea of what you have planned.
well its not a forum to post in, just a webpage with a ladder of the top are those with the most wins.....

Not exactly.... We had a "League Flows" forum, which is still up by the way (just hidden), in which the participants acted like a pro football franchise....

ok, thats why said "if my memory serves correct" cuz i thought there were leauges but couldnt find em.thx :confused:

Two Conferences drafted participants and made a weekly schedule of who battled who (like the NFL schedule), and W's and L's were kept on track until the last week, and once the schedule was completed the Playoffs began. From there it was just like a regular tourny, you lose you're out, you win you advance until we got our Champion (which was seak). I went undefeated for the whole season and finally lost in the Championship round, and I had beat seak during the season too. Aint that a bitch?
dayum, good shit.. i wanted to implement the league system also. So this has happend b4. Ok then id like to make a page of the 2 fueding leagues and keep track of wins and losses. If it gets crackin how bout u and me have our own seperate leagues? I think i can find some good spitters...

LOL. Anyway, I was thinking of bringing that forum and the League back once this forum gets poppin again.
I think thats HOW we can get this shiet crackin...

I was even thinking of skimming some E-Z boards and jus leaveing like a tight looking flyer with the link to this flowz board...The only reason i havent is becasue I dunno what kinda crowd we may get...u kno there are some retards out there.

The panel of judges sounds good, but the thing is, everyone gets hurt when they don't get the vote and they start crying and saying the judge is hating.

And that was what i was thinking. Ok. but i thought of a system where the judges get elected.And will serve terms then the duty is passed from within the leagues. Like 4 from leauge "A" and 4 from league "B".


As for the artist judging battles, bad idea. That will cause friction. Most artists on here are not battle rappers to begin with, therefor they probably don't know exactly how to judge a battle.
yeah, jus tossin ideas up.
Jun 16, 2002
TROLL said:
I was even thinking of skimming some E-Z boards and jus leaveing like a tight looking flyer with the link to this flowz board...The only reason i havent is becasue I dunno what kinda crowd we may get...u kno there are some retards out there.
Bring em on in. I'm sure Fatal can handle them if they get out of hand.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I tried to do a lot of shit when I was a moderator and its a lot harder than it seems. Keeping tally of wins/losses - especially cats like me who have been on this board for ... about 6 or 7 years. Dickriding votes, no shows, etc. And then keep tracking of EVERY single battle, keeping it organized, keeping interest, not letting the board fall to shit when theres a lack of interest and everyone disappears.

We had the NOBLE FLOWS forum (back when being a noble was next to impossible) - it was the best of the best of the best of the lyricist - you had to be voted onto the forum after displaying skills and shit like that.

We also had the League Battles Board - We had a draft, two different divisions, like 10 battles a week, then after we chalked up the W/L we had a tournament - the winner was fucking undisputed working in a system like that. But once that season ended, the League Battles Board both went to hell.

Those were both my ideas - my children - and they were great ideas. But you have to realistically keep in mind how many people are here for the long term and how hard it is to be consistent.

Having said that - if you guys get this board back up to good standards (a little talent, no shit talking, people actually around) - i will do anything you want to help make this thing better, i'll invest a lot of my time, just let me know what you mean.

We've tried anonymous judges
We've tried having vamps as a judge
We had Sicx judge some battles WAAAY back in the day


But honestly - I wanna help and I've seen this board from beginning till present. I can give you a lot of advice - just lemme know what your plans are.

(As long as that's okay with you, Mr. Fatal Nyghtmare, sir)


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Shit fatal - I just read all that shit right now - I pretty much said everything you just said (Great minds do think alike though) - so....

Not exactly.... We had a "League Flows" forum, which is still up by the way (just hidden), in which the participants acted like a pro football franchise.... Two Conferences drafted participants and made a weekly schedule of who battled who (like the NFL schedule), and W's and L's were kept on track until the last week, and once the schedule was completed the Playoffs began. From there it was just like a regular tourny, you lose you're out, you win you advance until we got our Champion (which was seak). I went undefeated for the whole season and finally lost in the Championship round, and I had beat seak during the season too. Aint that a bitch? LOL. Anyway, I was thinking of bringing that forum and the League back once this forum gets poppin again.
Aughh the memories. Hit the nail right on the head. But if you bring my Baby back, can I have an active role in it?

The panel of judges sounds good, but the thing is, everyone gets hurt when they don't get the vote and they start crying and saying the judge is hating. Another thing is some people just flat out don't know how to judge a battle. If this did go down I'd want some of the vets to judge battles (like Stealth or Dvious, people who can be unbiased even though they know or interract with one or both of the participants). Dvious was in my crew and voted against me many many times LOL. As for the artist judging battles, bad idea. That will cause friction. Most artists on here are not battle rappers to begin with, therefor they probably don't know exactly how to judge a battle.
I'd be honored to be a judge. If I can have some control over the League Battles board I'm definately down. If not though, I'd have to respectfully decline judging (because I want a piece of the goddamn title this time - it was no fun having me and Biggz sit out on the whole thing :( )

Dvious was in my crew and voted against me many many times LOL.
Laughing my motherfucking ass off right now!!

(Ahh the memories - now I know how those 90 year old Italian dudes sitting on the park bench feel "Things just aren't the way they used to be")
Apr 25, 2002
Stealth said:
(Great minds do think alike though)
You said it....

Stealth said:
But if you bring my Baby back, can I have an active role in it?
Of course, as long as you don't do a disappearing act on us. LOL.

Stealth said:
I'd be honored to be a judge. If I can have some control over the League Battles board I'm definately down. If not though, I'd have to respectfully decline judging (because I want a piece of the goddamn title this time - it was no fun having me and Biggz sit out on the whole thing :( )
You mean like co-Moderators? That's fine with me homeboy....

But this is what I was thinking of the League Battles forum.... Instead of having a completely new forum, I was thinking of trying to add a child forum within the Flows board. I'm not sure if the Admins will want the League Battles forum back on the main forum page, seeing as how it was taken off due to inactivity.

We'll see what happens. I can't guarantee anything and I will not make promises that I may not be able to come through on. If everyone does their part (posting flows, leaving feedback, commenting, judging, not hating, not shit talking) the board will come back to life and more opportunities will arrise. Trust me.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Of course, as long as you don't do a disappearing act on us. LOL.
C'mon homeboy, if you missed me that much you could have hit me up on AIM, haha. Nah - honestly I never left this place - postin up on sports, general hip hop, open forum, etc. Its just that I got burnt out with all the shittalking cel c us lee motherfuckers. Then they closed my baby down and took me off moderator :( I cried for 3.48 weeks.

But listen man - the reigns are in your hands now - u do what you wanna do. I'd love to co-Moderator the thing though.

I'm not sure if the Admins will want the League Battles forum back on the main forum page, seeing as how it was taken off due to inactivity.
'Round my parts we call that the "offseason" :devious: (The 2 year long off-season)