So I get to work this morning, and I log in 3 minutes late. The last time I was late was around 8 months ago. Now im a pretty good employee, I do my job, I keep to myself, and if my supervisor comes to me with a suggestion, I follow through on it. So today, he starts harrassing me, asking me why I am late. I tell him I dont have a reason, and to leave me alone. He keeps at me and finally tells me to give him a reason or leave. So I pack my shit up and walk out on him. Now this dude is a punk. He is a fucking snake, and he has no heart. He is the kind of dude that abuses his authority, becuase otherwise nobody wuld pay any attention to him. I have a lot of pride, and im not gonna let some punk push me around even if it is my boss. I usually just ignore bs like this, but I refuse to let this asshole walk over me...