I think that title would have been on point, cuz listenin to his shit will leave mutha-fuckaz mesmerized. But since he's already named his new album, Everyready: The Religion, I hope he names one of his songs 'mesmerized', cuz thatz how he leaves his listeners.
from dictionary.com
To spellbind; enthrall:
To hypnotize.
adj : having your attention fixated as though by a spell.
I think that title would have been on point, cuz listenin to his shit will leave mutha-fuckaz mesmerized. But since he's already named his new album, Everyready: The Religion, I hope he names one of his songs 'mesmerized', cuz thatz how he leaves his listeners.
from dictionary.com
To spellbind; enthrall:
To hypnotize.
adj : having your attention fixated as though by a spell.