Locahontas said:
Couldn't the government come up with a better propaganda commercial than that
the government didnt make that commercial. that commercial was mead by a group of people headed by Arianna Huffington and Norman Lear (two hyper liberals)
Locahontas said:
At least that's what my little sister told me. Has anyone else seen that dumb ass commercial that says if you drive an SUV you support terrorism cuzz you have to put all that extra gas in your shit?
and you know what the funny thing is some of the sponsors are said to be
1. Gwynith (sp) Paltrow---who is said to own a SUV
2. Ben Aflack--- same as paltrow
3. Barbara Streisand--- who drives around in a famous motor home called "big green" or something like that
but more importantly the main people who headed it are Arianna Huffington and Norman Lear
1. Arrianna Huffington---> Owner of a 9000 sq. ft mansion who uses approximatle 8 times as much gas to heat up as a normal house. also she travels from city to city in private jets (i wonder how many gallons of gas a private jet uses to fly 1 person from LA to NY) i mean whats wrong with flying commercial for her? is she to good for commercial flights.
2. Norman Lear---> Owner of 13,000 sq. ft. house and also the owner of 21 cars. how do these people expect to be taken seriously if they dont do what they want others to do.