I stepped on a mouse last night, don't know where they're...

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Jun 5, 2002
coming from. We've set spring traps, glue boards, poisons cuz they're shitting and pissing all over the house. Whenever we wake up in the morning, the poison is eaten, but we've only caught one so far (the one I stepped on last night). We'll make a small area airtight (with no openings at all) and they'll still get in. I live in a "neat freak" house too. I'm stumped. Help a fellow Siccnesshead out.
Dec 3, 2005
had that a few months ago. caught them all with glue traps, dcon, and regular traps, then put these things in the outlets that make noise that humans cant here but keeps vermin like mice away. they only like 10 bucks or so. i just bout one 4 each room, aint had nothin in the house since
Dec 9, 2005
Naw don't go for that sonic stuff.

Poison pellets and glue traps worked for me...they were getting in through the garage..and sneaking into the house at night. We caught like 9 or 10 of them all at the same spot, the side of the wall where the garage meets the house...

They only run along the walls so don't put any traps out in the open...they don't even go there. The pellets work too...but don't put any INSIDE the house...cause they just randomly die and then you can't find them...but they start to stink the place up.

Good luck ! I did a bunch of research on these little fucks...they were buggin the shit out of me !