"I seen visions of Jesus and the devil and a space alien with a big head"

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May 13, 2002
Desperate Bill Henderson broke into a glue factory in search of the ultimate high, and 12 hours later stunned workers found him --

"I've seen dumb people in my life, but this guy takes the cake," says Florence Mabely, a glue-viscosity tester at the Durable Fit Glue Company in Sydney, Australia.

"He was covered in contact cement from head to toe. We had to pry him off the concrete with shovels and a crowbar like he was a slab of linoleum tile and all the time he was squealing like a stuck pig.

"He was screaming and hollering, 'Don't hurt me! Oh, God, just don't hurt me!'

"I kept telling him to shut up or I'd super-glue his mouth shut and scrape him off the floor with a fork lift."

Henderson, 19, told cops he occasionally sniffs glue to relax and hallucinate and decided that the glue factory was a good spot to pursue "a massive high."

He said he sneaked into the 65,000-square-foot plant through an open window and made a beeline for the blending room, where industrial- strength glues are mixed in giant stainless steel vats.

The room is vented by an array of 12 oversized exhaust fans to protect workers from volatile fumes that in low doses can make a human hallucinate and feel giddy, but in higher doses can cause brain and organ damage and even kill you.

Henderson told police he turned off the fans and took several deep breaths -- "huffing," in the parlance of addicts, who usually breathe glue from a paper bag with its opening held tight around their nose and mouth.

"I seen visions of Jesus and the devil and a space alien with a big head," Henderson told police. "I also seen the King of rock 'n' roll -- what's his name? Elvis? And somebody else I can't remember... it might have been Michael Jackson or that other singer, Kurt Cobain."

It's not entirely clear what happened next, but this much is known by police: Henderson knocked over a 500-gallon vat of gooey contact cement... and slipped and then rolled in it."