I never leave the house without my...

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Aug 8, 2003
i kno this been done b-4 but fuck it...

MY ID!!!

why???? i found out that if your not carrying at least one form of ID the pigs can legally search you even if you were just walking down the street minding your own buisness. So please...anyone thats rollin dirty, bring your id with you......

that is of course unless your already wanted....
Jun 13, 2005
I never leave the house without my... walkman

whenever they make me face the world i at least wanna be hooked
up with my rap & drum n bass via my godlike headphones :lick:
Jun 27, 2003
what law gives the pos the authority to search anybody without specific articulatable facts that the person has engaged in criminal activity just because they have no ID?? You're not even required by law to SPEAK with an officer if they ask you for your ID in the first place.. where did you hear this?


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
Jae iLL said:
what law gives the pos the authority to search anybody without specific articulatable facts that the person has engaged in criminal activity just because they have no ID?? You're not even required by law to SPEAK with an officer if they ask you for your ID in the first place.. where did you hear this?
I experienced this shit first hand..i remember this shit clearly....

(Im trollin down the block...was about 11:35 on my way home from 7-11. Jus bought some blunts and decided to walk to save some gas, was only a few blocks anyway. A cop drives past, busts a U-turn and pulls up next to me)

Cop:"Hey buddy,(i fuckin hate when they try to sound like they're being nice) Where you headed?

Troll: "Home"

Cop: "Wheres that?"

Troll: "Jus down this block"

Cop: "Where you comin from?"

Troll: "7-11"

Cop: "You know this isnt the best neighborhood to be going on late night strolls..."

Troll:" I had "A" and "B" Destinations and am on my way back from getting something...Im not wandering around nor am I lost.."

Cop:"Yeah but when your out and wearing red u look like your a banger, are u in a gang??"

(I had red shoes, black khakis, a black T-shirt and a red hat)

Troll:"Am i free to go or are you going to interogate me for nothing?"

(Now he gets out of his car and another pulls up behind him. Like he waited for back up to get out.)

Cop: "Let me see your Id"

Troll: "Its at my house.If i was driving id have it on me"

Cop: "Go ahead and put your hands on the car"

Troll: "For what?, what am i being stopped for?"

Cop: "Your walking in a dangerous neighborhood alone at night..dont u think thats kinda suscpicious??"

Troll: "Not when I live in that neighborhood, how is that suspicious?"

Other Cop: "Jus put your hands on the car like he said."

Troll: "Can you at least tell me why im being searched??? U dont have any reason to suspect me of having anything."

Cop:"You dont have your ID with you...How do i know your not a wanted felon???"

Troll: "So, because i dont have my ID you boyz are gonna waste my time and search me...??"

Other cop: Yeap (started smileing big)

Cop: "COOL! wheres the weed bud??" (he says after looking in my bag and taking out my strawberry swishers)

Troll:"U got YOUR hand in MY pockets so you tell me."

Cop:"U smoke?"

Troll:"as often as i can."

(They finished rummageing thru my shit and didnt find a fuckin thing and jus took off after lecturing me about being out late...that i should drive instead..FuckKK the LAW.)
May 15, 2002
funny...i use to know a bunch of people who would leave without their ID

I guess i would have to be like LL and say my RADIO! double dual deck good for dubbing


Sicc OG
Dec 11, 2002
rose town ryda said:
i never leave the house without my pants.

...actually thats a lie, but underwear is a must-have.

... depends on the pants... :paranoid:

I never leave home with my celly.... or my purse... and usually all I have in it is my ID, wallet and smokes.. oh and lip gloss..