I got to thinking today about how to go about reviewing an album. I started thinking about movies and how I usually only see a movie once and then make up my mind on whether it was good or not. I rarely go see a movie more than once to really say if it's good or not. But whenever I review an album I always listen to it at least 3 or 4 times before making any decisions on it. I was wondering how some of you here on the Siccness do youre reviews? Do you listen to an album once? Twice? Three or more times?
It really got me thinking because some albums that I initially like, I start to hate later and some albums I think are garbage really turn out to be cool albums in the long run.
Just want some opinions on it, trying to get a little discussion started here. All input is welcome folks.
It really got me thinking because some albums that I initially like, I start to hate later and some albums I think are garbage really turn out to be cool albums in the long run.
Just want some opinions on it, trying to get a little discussion started here. All input is welcome folks.