or as deep throat, i mean thought, would say, get my jerk on...my job is so fuckin boring, all i do is think about pussy lips, and tits, and hips, and what better way to pass the time than a little pocket pool?...if i had some in house puss, i would just wait till i got off work, and go home and pull the pile driver on it, but i'm livin with my folks for the next two weeks till i move out west...hmmm...maybe i'll see if there is a cheap b-rated movie on hbo and go up to a room and pet my monkey...i know, i'll pick a room thats under a nice sounding female name, creep up in there, and rest my balls on her jaws...i'll just beat my dick against the wall until i have no desire to use it, and go back to being a good employee...and the point to this post is....NOTHING...sorry ya'll, i'm tired, sober, and horny