HyperSonic Sound (I hear voices in my head...Serously!)

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May 13, 2002
Here is yet another fascinating science being abused by capitalist pigs!


Woody Norris has a way of getting inside your head. No, we don't mean his overpowering handshake or Barnumesque penchant for self-promotion ("This is the biggest thing in audio in 77 years"). We mean HyperSonic Sound, his latest creation. (A prolific inventor, Norris, 64, also won a Best of What's New for a personal flying machine.)

Unlike traditional speakers, which scatter sound, Norris' device streams it in a precise, laser-like beam for up to 150 yards with almost no degradation in quality or volume. If that seems incredible, trust me, it is.

When I met Norris in September he pointed the 7-inch-square emitter at me from 30 feet away. Suddenly I heard the sound of birds chirping. The noise didn't seem to emanate from his device; I felt like it was generated inside my noggin. Yet a guy just 2 feet away from me couldn't hear it.

How does it work? The piezoelectric transducer emits sound at frequencies above the human ear's 20,000-cycle threshold. Unlike low-frequency waves, the high-frequency signals don't spread out as they travel through air. Yet they do interact with the air to induce a related set of ultrasonic waves. These waves combine with the original waves, interfering to create an audible signal, focused into a beam.

The applications are numerous, if not apparent: Thousands of soda machines in Tokyo will soon bombard passersby with the enticing sound of a Coke being poured, and several U.S. supermarkets will promote products to shoppers as they walk down corresponding aisles. Eventually HyperSonic Sound might enable a nightclub to play disco on one side of the dance floor and salsa on the other. Ambulances equipped with hypersonic sirens could clear the streets without waking the neighbors. Norris' company, American Technology, sells the devices for $600.


Another reader's opion:

...Essentially you could be walking along the street, unaware that you have stepped into a sound column's range, and begin hearing voices and/or noises that seem as if they are coming from inside your head.

There is essentially no way to avoid this as you could with other advertising methods. For example, you can avoid the lady selling things at the front of the store by not making eye contact with her and walking as far away as possible, but this is only possible because you have forewarning. You can see her and hear her. With hypersonic sound, this is not the case because when you are outside the column, you can't hear it and you can’t see it, and thus you have no warning that you are about to step into the column's range...


This shit is really going to fuck with the 'crazies' who already are hearing voices in their heads


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
how long before they start using this shit to shape ppls minds?they can do away w propaganda in the news, all they have to do is set this shit up on lamposts and start brainwashing mofos, if the shit aint already happening.
Dec 25, 2003
I don't believe you can "brainwash" anyone of truly sound mind. Even if the world goes to hell in a fuckbasket, people like me can at least have the last laugh at being able to say "look, I told you so." No matter how many more Bushes get elected or how many more big spooks the huddled masses will be worried about tomorrow, at least I spent time searching.While the average american spends 1,000 hours a year watching TV, at the very least some of us spent a few hours here.