I heard that interview with hus on yellow bus radio with Mr Fab and they were talkin about the whole snitchin rumor. On there fabby said Hus showed him his paperwork and it proved he wasnt snitchin. Now i kno hus aint with the internet boards or nuthin cuz hes too busy in the real world but hes got alot of fans that read this shit whether he thinks its dumb or not so I was wondering y doesnt he scan his paperwork and post it up on here for everyone to see, is there sum legal issue with it or does he just not care to post it up. I kno theres alot of rappers, managers, producers that post on here so if anyone that can post real quotes from him about it and not some hear say or sumtin or if he ever comes on this board can speak on it just get back...I respect the hus but its not like I kno him well enuff to know if hes snitchin. this is probly a lost cause but can neone get back about this