My dads from Sco and my moms from Chi so I been SF/Chi fan my whole life...
Giants/Cubs- I gotta admit I was never really a Cubs fan till like 5 years ago, but I been a Giants fan since Day 1.
9ers/Bears- Split my chin open in 85 Super Bowl, got too excited, I was like a year and 3 months old.
Bulls/Warriors/Suns- Suns b/c I been a Marbury fan since he was at GT.
Washington Capitals- My Step Dads cousin is Bates Battaglia so whatever team he's on is my fav hockey team.
Northern Illinois Huskies (FBall), Illinois Illini (Bball), Stanford(Baseball)- My friend Shatone Powers is #83, WR on Northern so I always root for them... I used to play Dee Brown at the Y when I was little, but Ive always liked U of I, since Cook was a Fresh...And I grew up goin to Stanford games, watchin Black Jack Mcdowell way back.